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Video duration 03 minutes 45 seconds 03:45

The atmosphere of fierce competition to run in the upcoming US presidential elections between current President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, is accompanied by a state of stalking and hunting for mistakes and lapses during speeches.

Trump aspires to be Biden's opponent again in the November 5 elections, which is receiving widespread interaction on social media platforms.

In his last speech in Las Vegas, Biden was talking about his meeting with leaders of countries at the G7 summit in England 2021, and he wanted to mention what he said to French President Emmanuel Macron, but instead he mentioned the name of “François Mitterrand,” the president of France who died nearly 30 years ago. .

Biden said: “I sat down and said: America has returned... Mitterrand looked at me from Germany... I mean from France...”, and the American president paused for a while before returning to finish his sentence by saying: “Well, how long will you be back?”

François Mitterrand was President of France between 1981 and 1995, and he died in 1996. It is interesting that the White House publishes the text of Biden’s speech, but the president’s intent was corrected and the name “Mitterand” was crossed out and the name “Macron” was replaced with it.

It is expected that this slip by Biden will be a source of ridicule for Trump, as the latter used to imitate him in previous speeches that included similar slips and errors.

Surprise and sarcasm

The matter also received widespread interaction across social media platforms, and the Shabakat program (2/6/2024) monitored some of it, including what Ron wrote: “Given the age of our president, we can expect anything from him. For him, 30 years is not the ancient past.”

As for Casbal, he tweeted: “Because of his repeated missteps, we no longer believe them. Is there really someone running American policy behind him? If he is in every meeting or speech, he makes a mess and throws arrows at him!”

He told Moss: “They are the employees of the President of America because he only knows how to speak English. How can we be patient with him when he falls down every now and then and talks to the walls and not to the dead?”

However, Fahd Al-Shehri predicted in his tweet that he would be re-elected for a second term and wrote: “Despite what we see of his bad condition and memory, I believe and am certain that he will be re-elected for a second term.”

The missteps were not limited to Biden. In his last speech as well, Trump wanted to criticize Nancy Pelosi from the Democratic Party, but he confused her with his Republican rival, Nikki Haley, so Biden mocked him with a tweet in which he said: “I do not agree with Nikki Haley on everything, but we "We agree that she is not Nancy Pelosi."

Trump is the most likely candidate in the Republican Party race to challenge Biden in the upcoming elections, but he has not yet decided on the nomination, and he rejected his rival Haley’s request to debate her, who is ranked second, with a large margin behind Trump in opinion polls.

Yesterday, Monday, Trump announced his desire to hold an immediate debate with Biden, despite his refusal to hold a debate with any of his competitors for the Republican Party nomination to run in the upcoming presidential elections.

Source: Al Jazeera