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Actors Huber, Wachtveitl, Nemec: Prison club or custody drama?

Photo: Hendrik Heiden / BR

The scenario:

Loving and dying in prison. After a prisoner is stabbed in the shower, Leitmayr (Udo Wachtveitl) and Batic (Miroslav Nemec) investigate the trafficking and sex arrangements in prison. Hooligans and Turks have divided the drug market within the walls among themselves, but the matter of drug trafficking is a little more complicated. The investigators also target an inmate who is about to be released from prison. The man dreams of living with his son, who has turned out to be a piano prodigy with his foster parents.

The highlight:

Prison club or custody drama? This “crime scene” tries to be both. While the environment behind bars is portrayed quite credibly, the father-son conflict remains sketchy.

The picture:

Quickie behind bars. One of the Nazi convicts has to serve the security guard, who obliges him to perform quick, mechanical penetration in exchange for lax controls in his cell.

The dialogue:

A prisoner secretly gives another a cell phone:

Prisoner one: “What do you want with that?”

Inmate two: “Cryptocurrency.”

Inmate One: “Bitcoin and shit like that?”

Prisoner two: “And shit like that! Life in prison isn’t cheap, I heard.”

The music:

The soundtrack attempts a stark balancing act between classical enjoyment and an injection of adrenaline: the talented boy of the prisoner about to be released performs the Prelude in C major by Johann Sebastian Bach in a concert hall, while the father sits in the prison gym a few scenes later , where his fellow inmates pump and jingle to “Bagpies from Baghdad” by Eminem.

The review:

5 out of 10 points. Penal system bittersweet: When trying to describe power politics and emotional chaos behind walls, the “crime scene” occasionally slips in tone.

The analysis:

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“Crime Scene: The Prodigy,”

Sunday, 8:15 p.m., Das Erste