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Police (symbolic image)

Photo: photo booth / Gelhot / IMAGO

One or more burglars broke into a retirement home in Wolfsburg, stole a safe - and transported the safe out of the building in a wheelchair. However, the police said the thieves didn't get far: a witness noticed a man with the unusual transport at an underpass. She spoke to the stranger and he fled. The wheelchair and safe were left behind.

The police assume that there could be several perpetrators, but only one person was seen. According to the officers, the perpetrator or perpetrators had forcibly gained access to an office in the senior center at night and stole the safe using the wheelchair that was parked in the foyer.

After the man fled the underpass, the witness called the police, who confiscated the two items. The break-in occurred the weekend before last on the night of January 21st. The police are investigating and hope for more witnesses.
