Amid problems surrounding the collection of expensive food and drink fees at host clubs, the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission has issued an administrative order to suspend operations at two host clubs in Kabukicho, Tokyo, alleging that they had violated laws and regulations regarding their operations. I decided to dispose of it.

Host clubs ``CROWN'' and ``DEJAVU,'' both located in Kabukicho, Shinjuku Ward, will be administratively suspended.

According to the Metropolitan Police Department, "CROWN" was found to have violated the Entertainment Business Law in March last year by allowing girls under the age of 18 to enter its store, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission has suspended its business for 120 days starting from the 2nd of next month. I decided to do it.

In addition, in August last year, DEJAVU stopped a female customer who was about to leave, saying things like, ``I can't leave without drinking,'' and then forced her to withdraw cash from a nearby ATM, illegally collecting 850,000 yen from her. It has been confirmed that there was a violation of the Tokyo metropolitan ordinance prohibiting rip-offs.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission has decided to suspend operations for 80 days starting from the 2nd of next month.

This is the first time that an administrative penalty has been imposed on a host club that applies the Tokyo metropolitan ordinance prohibiting rip-offs.

Host clubs in places like Kabukicho, Tokyo, have been having problems with the collection of ``accounts receivable'' where hosts pay for expensive meals and drinks.In order to understand the actual situation, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is conducting intrusions into the establishments and conducting malicious activities. We are proceeding with the investigation of the case.