The controversial influencer and his brother Tristan were arrested on suspicion of trafficking and rape in December 2022 and have been under house arrest in Bucharest since April 2023. On 18 July, a Romanian court decided to extend house arrest by 30 days. Both deny the charges.

Their release from house arrest means that they can move freely in Bucharest and in the surrounding district where they live. However, the acquittal comes with certain demands. They will be under control for 60 days and must appear before the police when the authority requires it and they must inform about any change of address.

Restraining order

They are also prohibited from contacting the two Romanian associates who are also accused of committing crimes with them, the witnesses or the plaintiffs and their families.

If they break the rules, it may result in them having to return to house arrest or preventive detention.

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From misogynist influencer to accused on suspicion of human trafficking – Andrew Tate in 60 seconds. Photo: TT