"Maran blossoms twenty-one, two five six, two five seven, two eight two nine thirty-one..." When the familiar nursery rhyme sounds, many people will fall into a "memory killing". Many young people recover their childhood memories by collecting childhood toys, buying childhood snacks, and playing childhood games, and many young people lament that they have thought about Children's Day. In their minds, what does Children's Day carry?

On the eve of International Children's Day, a survey of 1001,74 young people released by the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily (wenjuan.com) showed that 9.66% of the interviewed young people felt that it is common for young people to celebrate Children's Day. 6.55% of the interviewed young people said that Children's Day was to release stress and relax their minds, and 2.<>% of the interviewed young people said that they recalled their childhood and experienced childhood.

86.9% of the interviewed young people miss their childhood

"When I was a child, when the summer came, my grandmother would spread out a mattress at the gate and play cards with a few of our siblings. We will also give 5 dimes for us to buy ice cream at the commissary. When the New Year comes, my brothers and sisters will take me to pay New Year's greetings to relatives and buy firecrackers with the money to press the New Year. "When it comes to childhood life, Wang Tianyu, a post-00s student in a university in Shandong, feels very beautiful.

Wang Shanshan, who now works in Wuhan, misses her childhood friends, "I changed schools 6 times in 9 years of primary school, and every time I arrived at a new primary school, I would meet a group of new friends, and even if I separated later, I would still write letters and call each other, which made me feel concerned." ”

Wang Shanshan felt that she had little access to information and less anxiety before, and could do seemingly meaningless things without burden, "I once went to a bamboo forest with my friends to plant trees, and bought shovels and various fertilizers. Now it seems that planting trees in the bamboo forest is very naïve and naïve, but the thought of accomplishing something with a group of friends is worth remembering."

According to the survey, 86.9% of the interviewed young people said they missed their childhood. Interaction analysis found that the proportion of post-85 respondents who said nostalgia was higher, at 90.5%.

"I spent my childhood mostly in the countryside. At that time, there were no smartphones, and there were few ways to entertain, but I was more impressed by going fishing with my friends on weekends to catch shrimp, and everyone competed who caught more, and they could get a lot of gains at the end of the day. Li Yan, a post-90s generation who currently works in Changsha, recalled, "Childhood was relatively simple and innocent, and there was no need to think about the pressure of life. ”

Li Yan feels that his childhood life experience has a great impact on him. "At that time, a large family lived together, and many habits and behaviors were learned from grandparents, such as how to treat people and things, distinguish between right and wrong, and basic values were formed at that time."

According to the survey, 84.2% of the interviewed young people felt that their childhood experiences had a great impact on their growth, of which 31.4% of the interviewed young people believed that they had a great impact. Interaction analysis found that the proportion of post-00s respondents who believe that the impact is higher, at 88.1%.

"Some of the friends I met in childhood, although they have not been in touch for many years, but they will help me without reservation when I need it, which touches me a lot." Wang Shanshan remembers that when she did her graduation thesis before, she needed a lot of research samples, and tried to contact her former friends, but she got a response. "Even friends I haven't seen for a long time still give me a lot of encouragement and strength when I'm sad or unconfident."

More than 60% of the young people interviewed said that Children's Day is to release stress and relax their minds

"There are quite a few people around me who celebrate Children's Day. Some people like to join in the fun, no matter what the festival, and some people want to add a sense of ritual to their lives. Wang Shanshan feels that on Children's Day, everyone will have a "child" mentality, and also want to make up for some regrets when they were children, such as going to the zoo they have always wanted to go to and eating small snacks that they have always wanted to eat, "so as to heal their former self."

Liu Zimeng, after 00 in Tianjin, is usually more interested in various figures and dolls. She noticed that some merchants will launch children's packages before Children's Day, and buy them to give away. Because of the limited quantity, in order to choose a satisfactory style, on the day of sale, Liu Zimeng rushed to the store to buy a copy, "There are many people who buy, many of them are young people, and they basically can't buy it if they go late."

Although he knows that the merchant is using Children's Day as a gimmick to arouse everyone's interest, Liu Zimeng will still pay for it, "The price is not too high, the figure is a gift of the package, and there is no need to spend additional money." It is also regarded as a Children's Day gift for yourself, which is considered a holiday."

According to the survey, 74.9% of the interviewed young people feel that it is now common for young people to celebrate Children's Day, of which 22.0% of the interviewed young people think that it is very common. The interaction analysis found that the proportion of female youth surveyed was 79.6%, 67 percentage points higher than that of men (5.10%).

Li Yan found that every year on Children's Day, the circle of friends is quite lively, "Some people will post photos of themselves when they were children, some people will be accompanied by funny and ridiculous copywriting, some people post red envelopes and blessings sent by others, of course, some people spend with children." It feels like everyone has become lively on this day."

On Children's Day last year, Li Yan invited his college friends out to dinner, and also went to the game store to experience the game console he played as a child, "I felt like I had returned to my childhood." In Li Yan's view, Children's Day gives him a window to temporarily leave the adult world, and he can no longer "carry". "Now that the pace of work and life is fast, I face various pressures and difficulties every day, and I need a way to release them."

Why do young people also think about Children's Day? According to the survey, in order to release stress and relax the mood, the selection rate was 66.6%. 55.2% of the interviewed young people said that they reminisced about their childhood and experienced childhood, 54.4% of the interviewed young people felt that it was to make up for the regrets and shortcomings of their childhood, and 54.4% of the interviewed young people believed that they yearned for a carefree life. Others include: feeling that they have not grown up (34.8%), being able to enhance their relationship with their partner/friends (33.7%), enjoying the feeling of being pampered by relatives (30.5%), following the trend and following the crowd (11.3%).

"I think that now everyone celebrates Children's Day, more to use the name of the festival to have fun with friends, and do not pay much attention to the connotation of the festival. If you are a couple, you can also prepare a small gift for each other to enhance your relationship. Wang Tianyu said that he can also express his love on Children's Day.

Liu Zimeng has a good understanding of this, although she is in her 20s, but every Children's Day, she will receive red envelopes and holiday blessings from her parents, "Maybe in the eyes of parents, no matter how old she is, she will always be a child." This feeling of being cared for and cared for at all times makes people very happy."

Is Children's Day naïve and immature? Only 1.1% of the young people surveyed said so

What do you think of the phenomenon of young people celebrating Children's Day? According to the survey, 49.3% of the interviewed young people said that they provided emotional outlets, which is understandable, 27.0% of the interviewed young people thought that it was personal freedom and did not evaluate well, and 22.7% of the interviewed young people felt that it was just verbal ridicule and did not need to be taken seriously. Only 1.1% of the young people surveyed thought it was a sign of naivety and immaturity and should be opposed.

"Young people's Day shows that everyone is serious about living." Wang Shanshan believes that to a certain extent, this reflects that everyone's psychological state is good, and they have childlike fun in their hearts, and if a person does not love life, he will not be in the mood to spend these festivals.

Wang Tianyu believes that young people's celebration of Children's Day cannot be equated with childishness, and everyone just uses the festival to relieve the pressure of daily life, find friends or partners to celebrate together, and experience the atmosphere of the festival.

"Adult life has all kinds of difficulties, society has put many 'labels' on adults, such as mature and steady, strong and rational, but everyone needs to have an outlet for emotional catharsis, and also hope to enjoy the beauty of life and get the support and companionship of others." Li Yan feels that more attention needs to be paid to how to reduce the pressure on young people, so that everyone can travel more lightly and live a good life every day.

"Some people want to be children on this day, not because they don't grow up, but because they remember their childlike state, which is also the embodiment of childlike and innocence and nature." Li Yan believes that Children's Day, like many festivals, provides an opportunity for everyone to feel the beauty of life and express their emotions, and can feel cared for and cared for on this day, "so that everyone can get a short relaxation and meet the future life with a better state."

Of the respondents to the survey, 38.4% were men and 61.6% were women. Post-00s accounted for 28.5%, post-95s accounted for 23.2%, post-90s accounted for 31.6%, and post-85s accounted for 16.8%.

China Youth Daily / China Youth Network trainee reporter Wang Zhiwei Intern Sun Liping Source: China Youth Daily