Although there are many who criticize that the campaign for local and regional elections has started with the drought and the future of Doñana, will continue with the debate on the presence of ETA in the lists and the validity of ETA, continue with the surprise that in our country you can buy votes and is ending with the discovery that we live in a racist Spain, Blessed be an election if you allow such transcendent issues to surface. Be at the wrong time, but let them emerge. You go

They are going to vote on Sunday, which is what it takes, as surely all whose names appear in the candidacies will do, following the maxim of Dr. Ortega in the

sketch Vote for Ortega


Les Luthiers

: "To win these elections, each of us must be a true example, so before all of you I firmly commit myself... to vote for me."

Forget about some candidates and go vote, if only for a matter of democratic survival, because voting is the best way to defend yourself. All these debates have not come out of nowhere in this campaign, they were there, hibernated,

But now there are parties that support them and people who vote for those parties.

There is no other reason for Bildu to carry convicted ETA members on its lists than to think that it is a claim for its voters and an incentive for the sympathizer who stays at home.

Nor does racism arise just because, because a twenty-year-old boy can't take it anymore and explodes on a football field. Parties and candidates have had to urgently use arguments to deal with the one that was mounted with Vinicius in Mestalla or better, the one that they mounted to Vinicius in Mestalla. At the local level, measuring to try to avoid identifying the city and the fans with racism and, from the left, blaming the extreme right. At the national level, trying from the government and from all parties to save the image of a country internationally designated as a stronghold of xenophobic vandals. But while the image of Christ the Redeemer of Rio de Janeiro remains in the dark in solidarity with the Brazilian player, it is worth reflecting, also in the midst of local and regional elections,

if Spain is a racist country, or if it is more or less so than it was.

It is always a good time to analyze if what there is is a regression in respect for this and other human rights or if the present political reality is the result of feelings that were there, hidden for fear of social rejection, and that now there are parties that promote them and feed on making them visible.

We must vote, because racism and machismo, to name two clear examples

, have been countered by force of suffrage since we gave ourselves a Constitution.

But they have not disappeared from our society and now there are those who seek a channel for them to grow within the democratic system they despise. We must add and, like Dr. Ortega, that they be voted.