Tomorrow, Sunday, the regional governments of half of Spain are voted and today in all of it, by an absurd electoral law, it is a day of reflection, because the town halls are also voted.

One has already thought through that vote. On Tuesday of this week he announced one that his, in the city of Madrid, will go to Begoña Villacís, of Ciudadanos. In the Community I will vote for the second time in my life to the Pp. Calm, it is not serious: I also voted twenty-five years to the PSOE, including that of the Gal. The first, has

ce two, also went to Isabel Díaz Ayuso. And in both cases, for personal reasons. Do there be any others?

One fine day seven years ago he was approached in Brussels by a Cs MEP whom he did not know, Javier Nart. I came to transmit a message from the then equally unknown to me councilor Villacís of the group of Cs in the City Council of Manuela Carmena. It had gotten into the garden of historical memory. He had done it hand in hand with a councilor of Podemos, a goliard of crude gestures, ignorant, fanatical and closed. More than a garden, a mangrove swamp infected with fictions, and the mayor did not know how to get out of it. He turned to his friend the socialist Paca Sauquillo, as Villacís would turn to me, and in a few weeks a Commissioner of Historical Memory was constituted to study the application of the law of resentment and grievances, which Rajoy could change and did not change for the same reasons that he assured that there would be no consultation in Catalonia. And there was: "By my holy powers." The Commissioner did his job and stopped in time some of the excesses of that wild boar who wanted to change the names of 350 streets (he was very disgusted when he was told that many of those he believed to be bloodthirsty and stubborn Francoists were only victims of the Republic, "walked" because of their religious beliefs, which is why a priest appeared in the Commissioner, representing the group with the most victims of the war in Madrid, a presence that had also ignited the indignation of that ceporro and the phalanges of Podemos; and the ostrich attitude of that PP in relation to historical memory and Francoism, we better deal another day).

One owes Villacís a great experience: working with people who were very different ideologically from each other, even-handed and discreet, who agreed on matters unanimously on more than 90% of the issues, and the satisfaction of returning to the community the calm against those who tried to put it back in the world.

They will not pass

. And yes, Cs defended from the first moment that third Spain of Chaves Nogales and Clara Campoamor, apart from those who lived still cutting the coupons of the other two. Of course, this was only a truce, because Sánchez reopened all fronts, from La Coruña to Cartagena, minimizing Bildu and enlarging Vox (his great dream). He couldn't with Madrid. Ayuso had turned him, opposing the caudillo Sánchez, into a breakwater of all Spain. What things are, Don Antonio (Machado), the turns that life gives.

And so we come to the vote for the Pp. Even the PSOE candidate has recognized Ayuso's success in the pandemic. Of course, for his adversaries that success has been nothing more than luck, like someone who has bet on a lottery number, and it has been his turn. Others argue that Madrid's "problem" is that it is a wealthy community. Big problem. The same ones who gave the example of the prosperous pro-independence Catalonia (now ruined), abhor the prosperous Madrid whose only crime since 1561 has been to integrate all those who have come to it looking to earn a living, without asking anyone neither origin nor beliefs nor possible. And because in Madrid they live well, tomorrow they will surely vote in a spout for Ayuso. For personal reasons, not for masochism. Only one of them has missed one thing these days, really. Having passed another two, the updating of the well-known "manifesto of the 26 infernal years", named for the eleven thousand virgins of Sánchez, I mean, by a few hundred artists and colleagues said to be on the left, having spent another two hellish years, I say, maybe now was the time to revamp that manifesto, since Ayuso could tomorrow reach an absolute majority and open another four years of hell. The silence of the undersigned, some sincere, others fake, baffles and will suspend many in deep musings: are they abandoning ship? It has always been known: vates predict.

Today is a day of reflection. Take the opportunity to reread the famous "Soñemos, alma, soñemos". This article opened, November 1903, the first issue of

Spanish soul

, a straw paper magazine, narrow typefaces and ectoplastic photos. A sign like this, written on the yellow of the flag of Spain, would be unthinkable today in a progressive publication like that (there Bonafoux, Baroja and Azorín wrote).

This electoral campaign has ended where those of that time began, with the purchase of votes (not only in Melilla and Mojácar, from La Coruña to Cartagena Sanchez has gone, he has taken his piñata with him ...). And Galdós to his own: «A bastard socialism put in the hands of the State the distribution of the soup and chickpeas of the poor, of the truffled delicacies of the rich ...». Today as yesterday? It is not believed. Today, Saturday, Don Benito, there are plenty of dreams and daydreams. Let us think, soul, let us think.