Solène Delinger 12:22pm, May 24, 2023

Since the launch of the twelfth season of "The Voice," Zazie seems to have a hard time managing her emotions. She was seen bursting into tears several times after her talents were eliminated. However, this is not the first time that the singer is coach of the show. But, this year, she decided to express her emotions for a very good reason...

So what happens to Zazie? Since the launch of the twelfth season of The Voice, the singer, coach in the show, does not stop crying. On Saturday, April 22, the Zen interpreter burst into tears after the departure of Esme, a talent of his team. Two weeks later, Zazie cracked again when Max Novix was eliminated against David Dax, after a cross battle. "I'm dismantled there actually," the coach breathed, in tears in the arms of Amel Bent.

"I took the verdict of the public in the heart"

"In cross battles, it's the public that decides. It may seem easier for us, but we find ourselves having childish reactions, like, 'It's not fair!' I didn't understand the public's choice regarding Max Novik. I took his verdict in the heart, "explained Zazie, a few days later, in the columns of Télé 7 jours.

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"I'm closer than ever to my emotions"

However, this is not the first time that Zazie has faced the elimination of her talents since she has already been a coach of The Voice. This year, the departures are visibly more difficult to live for the singer, on the skin. She assures her, however: there is no need to worry because she is "very well". "Let's say that I am closer than ever to my emotions," she said, still in Télé 7 jours. "In this program, we film what happens, we do not try to 'manufacture'. There is no calculation. As a coach, you don't see the cameras, you forget their presence and you let go of the control you usually have on TV."

Zazie lets her emotions express themselves, as if no one was looking at her. "Most of the time, I try to keep a distance. But when emotions form a traffic jam, they come out. We naturally return to who we are. And I'm HPE (high emotional potential, editor's note)," she then revealed. One thing is certain: Zazie will shed a tear in the semi-final, whether or not her talent Aurélien qualifies for the grand finale of the competition.