The safety and hygiene of takeaway food has always attracted considerable attention. Recently, some readers reported to the Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter that there are many takeaway shops on the third floor of the Yangzhou Meiqi Farmers Market, often open until late at night, the environment inside the store is dirty and messy, and the hygiene of processed food cannot be guaranteed, hoping to attract attention.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Cheng Mo

There are more than a dozen takeaway shops crammed on one floor, and the ground is thick with grease

The reporter came to the Meiqi Farmers Market located on Wangyue Road in Yangzhou City, and at first glance the farmers market was no different from other markets, but a closer look would find that from the second floor, several large chimneys used to exhaust oil smoke led to the roof. When the reporter went up to the third floor of the farmer's market, he was greeted by a thick grease on the ground, which had turned black. Along the narrow corridor, there are about a dozen takeaway shops on both sides. Before the dinner rush, there are many takeaway brothers waiting in the aisle, plus the waste and food raw materials piled up at the door of each household, which makes the already not spacious aisle even more cramped. The busy "chefs" in the store have no time to greet the takeaway brother, they are all "burying their heads in hard work", and there is an aunt squatting on the ground and handling the "lobster tail". Following the corridor, the reporter walked through the third floor of the entire farmer's market, in addition to not hanging the "business license" and "food business license" in a conspicuous position, these takeaway stores did not have the possibility of dine-in at all, let alone the classification of raw materials placement, processing, storage.

The complainant, Ms. Wang (surname changed), told reporters that this situation has been going on for a long time, and basically no one has come to check or review. Ms. Wang also said that there are also a large number of takeaway shops in an old office building not far from the Majestic Farmers Market.

That night, the reporter came to what Ms. Wang called the "office building" - the "Guanghua Star Metropolis" located at the intersection of Wangyue Road and Baixiang Road in Yangzhou City. The reporter followed a takeaway brother into the building, the escalator has long been out of use, the building is dilapidated, and before going up to the second floor, a strong smell has already poured into the nose. At two o'clock in the morning, the second floor was still brightly lit. There are also seven or eight takeaway shops, large and small, most of which are still open. In addition to the dirty environment, the reporter found the source of the stench - the toilet in the center of the floor, and the smell that permeated the entire floor made people "go up". The takeaway shops that surround this toilet are still seriously engaged in "gourmet". The reporter opened the takeaway platform and found that the monthly sales order of "×× stinky tofu" directly opposite the toilet was 2000+.

The platform entry regulations are strict, and the actual implementation is useless

After visiting two takeaway "gathering points" on the spot, the reporter opened a takeaway platform to find information and transactions of these merchants. The reporter found that the sales volume of these merchants is the lowest 400+, while the high direct 2000+, the per capita consumption of stores ranges from 19-69 yuan. The reporter found that such takeaway merchants did not have in-store real pictures on the platform, and only "business license" and "food business license" for inquiry.

The reporter logged in to the official website of the platform's "Takeaway Rules Center" to inquire about the entry of merchants, which clearly stated that in addition to having the qualification of catering subjects, merchants also need to provide clear door face maps, environmental maps and kitchen maps, and the takeaway platform should also conduct random inspections of settled merchants. The takeaway stores visited by the reporter obviously did not comply with the above-mentioned takeaway entry rules. In this regard, the reporter contacted the official customer service of the takeaway platform many times, and the customer service's reply was that the problem had been recorded and waiting for follow-up processing.

At the same time, the reporter also contacted the Yangzhou Hanjiang District Market Supervision Bureau, and the staff said that the access of takeaway platform merchants is the independent behavior of the platform, and the market supervision department has no right to intervene. For the takeaway shop of the Meiqi Farmers Market that readers complained about, the staff said that they met the relevant regulations when applying for the license, but the farmers market was lax in managing the later business behavior, and they would increase their supervision.

For the stores in the office building of Guanghua Xingdu, the staff said that the business license of the registration point in the office building has been stopped, and it will be gradually regulated in the later stage.