Valley rain is the sixth of the twenty-four solar terms. Due to the increase in rainfall after the valley rain solar term, the humidity in the air gradually increases, at this time, people should follow the changes of natural solar terms when maintaining health, and adjust their climatic characteristics.

Shao Mingyi, chief physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, introduced in an interview with People's Daily News that during the valley rain, the humidity in the air gradually increases, the natural yang rises, the yin decreases, and the changes in the external environment form a state of heavier humidity after the valley rain. Therefore, Guyu health care should pay attention to dispelling dampness.

"Wetness is both a state and a disease-causing evil qi in Chinese medicine theory, called wet evil." Shao Mingyi said that from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, humid environment, wet evil is easy to invade the human body, excessive moisture in the spleen and stomach, can cause abdominal distention, gastrointestinal discomfort, increased frequency of bowel movements and other digestive diseases; When wet evil invades human muscles and joints, joint diseases such as physical sleepiness and limited limb movement appear; If dampness invades the skin, it is prone to sores, eczema, etc. In addition, heavy moisture can also induce acne, obesity, etc.

So, how can you tell if you are heavy in moisture? Shao Mingyi said that heavy moisture will make you feel heavy, heavy, and confused; The tongue moss is easy to be thick, or the tongue surface is too moisture; Hair is easy to greasy and dark; If the spleen is trapped with moisture, appetite will decrease; Heavy urine with moisture will appear cloudy, urine output is not much, or astringent, stool is not formed, sticky or diarrhea. In addition, the human body with heavy moisture is more puffy, the skin pores become thicker, oily, easy to acne, and even eczema; Limbs often appear fatigue, laziness, joint heaviness, body aches and other discomfort.

For how to remove moisture, Shao Mingyi suggested avoiding humid environments as much as possible in life. Spring people should choose appropriate exercise items according to their physical fitness, such as practicing tai chi, jogging, etc., or go to the wild spring outing, not only can reach the heart, pleasant and nourishing, but also conducive to the body's metabolism, so that the qi and blood smooth, stagnation evacuation, dampness and detoxification. The diet should be light, avoid greasy and cold, you can eat red beans, black beans, coix kernels, yam, winter melon, lotus root, lettuce, carp and other foods that dispel moisture and water, so as to achieve the effect of regulating the spleen and stomach and strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. At the same time, the physical treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine, such as moxibustion, cupping, and guasha, also have a good effect on removing dampness.