Urban Safety Series Science 50

Text/Guangzhou Daily All Media Reporter Huang Qing Correspondent Yue Yingxuan

Do you know what is the deadliest in a fire?

Most of the causes of fire deaths are that personnel inhale too much high temperature, toxic and harmful smoke. Therefore, in the event of a fire, it is important to choose the correct way to escape and self-rescue, and do not take measures blindly when there are no escape conditions. Reject the wrong escape method and don't let the fire site become a "maze of fires"!

Familiarize yourself with the environment Keep evacuation routes and exits in mind

When you are in an unfamiliar environment, such as staying in a hotel, shopping in a mall, or entering an entertainment venue, for your own safety, you must pay attention to evacuation passages, safety exits and staircase orientation, so that you can escape the fire as soon as possible at critical moments. Remember: be prepared for danger in times of peace and reserve a passage for yourself.

Extinguish small fires to benefit yourself and others

When a fire occurs, if it is found that the fire is not large, and it has not yet caused a great threat to people, and there are enough fire extinguishing equipment around, you should strive to control the small fire, do not panic and run around, ignore the small fire and cause a disaster. Remember: every second counts to extinguish the initial fire.

Simple protection Bend over and low posture to evacuate

Escape through a route filled with smoke to prevent poisoning and suffocation. In order to prevent people from choking people, you can use towels and masks to cover your mouth and nose, bend over and evacuate, smoke is lighter than air and floats in the upper part, close to the ground less smoke, so this is the best way to evacuate. Remember: one extra layer of protection means one more bit more security.

Stay calm, orient yourself and evacuate quickly

In the face of sudden fire, in the face of thick smoke and fire, first of all, you must force yourself to remain calm, pay attention when evacuating, run towards an open place, try to run downstairs, if the passage has been blocked by fireworks, you should leave with your back to the direction of the fireworks, and escape outdoors through balconies, air windows, rooftops, etc. Remember: you have to be calm in order to come up with a good solution.

Make good use of the trail without the elevator

In the event of a fire, choose a safer staircase passage according to the situation. Elevators in high-rise buildings may lose power in the event of a fire, because the elevator shaft runs through each floor, the elevator operation will make the fire spread faster, and the elevator will be deformed when heated, trapping people in the elevator. Remember: Never take a regular elevator when escaping.

Slow descent to escape, slide the rope to save yourself

In the event of a fire, and the safe passage has been blocked by fireworks, you can quickly use the sheets, curtains, clothes, etc. around you to make your own simple life rope, and slide from the windowsill or balcony along the rope to the next floor or the ground after being wet with water to escape safely. Remember: be careful and bold, homemade rope to escape and save yourself.

Shelter Hold on to help

If you feel hot when you touch the door, the escape passage is cut off, and there is no rescue for a short time, first close the doors and windows facing the fire, plug the door cracks with wet towels or damp cloths or cover the doors and windows with blisters and wet quilts, and then keep pouring water on it to prevent fireworks from penetrating, and stick to the house until rescuers arrive. Remember: choose the right escape method and don't jump blindly.

Gently shake and throw for help

When you are temporarily unable to escape from the fireworks siege, during the day, you can shake bright clothes out the window, or throw light and eye-catching things; At night, you can use a flashlight to constantly shake or tap things on the window to send out an effective distress signal in time to attract the attention of rescuers. Remember: expose yourself fully in order to gain more time to be rescued.

Participate in fire drills in order not to panic in case of fire

All units should carry out evacuation drills in their own units or key parts, individuals should actively participate in fire drills, only if you master the common sense of evacuation and personal experience, you will not panic in case of fire. Remember: if you want to not panic in the event of a fire, you must practice first. Fewer fire accidents are important for prevention! I hope everyone will develop good safety habits to effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of fire accidents.