A recurring motif in this year's book tasting is the theme "malevolent children". Literary scholar Peter Kostenniemi is a guest writer in the Swedish Institute for Children's Books' report and has previously researched evil, mean and malicious children in literature.

"Malice is close to rudeness, a motif in children's and young adult literature that has been highlighted before in the Book Tasting. The depictions of malevolent children challenge normative notions of childhood while also commenting on their time in different ways.

Peter Kostenniemi believes that malice often appears in books about bullying and that it is portrayed as some type of weapon.

"Previously, ill will has emanated from the bully, but this year's book tasting shows that malice also becomes a strategy against the bully. It becomes both a problem and a solution to the problem.

Picture books largest category

This year's book tasting includes 2183 printed children's and young adult books with 2022 as the year of publication. The categories that increased most in number were non-fiction books, cartoons and compilations. Picture books are the largest category.

The Swedish Institute for Children's Books' report shows that the publication of children's and young adult books has decreased in some categories, but remains large from a longer perspective.

Sofia Gydemo believes that the Book Tasting reflects our time and the subjects that interest children and young people in general.

"For example, books about epor, hunting and anti-hunting have increased in printing. Another popular theme is superheroes," says Sofia Gydemo.