Chongqing, 4 April (ZXS) -- Topic: 1-year-old Chinese conductor Bian Zushan has been active on stage for 87 years to interpret "musical love"

Zhong Yi, reporter of China News Agency

Guest conductors, musical adaptations, symphonies in universities... The 87-year-old famous Chinese conductor Bian Zushan has been active on the music stage.

On the evening of March 3, at the opening concert of the 31 season of the Chongqing Symphony Orchestra, Chinese conductor Bian Zushan acted as a "host" and "docent" in addition to the baton. Photo by Sun Kefu by China News Agency

On the evening of March 3, the gray-haired and spirited Bian Zushan appeared at the opening concert of the 31 music season of the Chongqing Symphony Orchestra, acting as a "host" and "docent" in addition to directing the baton, telling the "past and present life" of the performance repertoire. During the rehearsal interview, the reporter felt that behind the development of Chinese and diplomatic phonics, he was full of his lifelong love of music.

Bian Zushan was born in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province in 1936, and was poor and helpless as a teenager, and once became a street child. By chance, he entered the Shanghai Christian Refugee Correctional Institute, attended choirs, learned piano, and received musical enlightenment. In 1956, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music established the Department of Conducting, and Bian Zushan became the first undergraduate orchestra conducting student trained since the founding of New China, as the first head of the Conducting Department of "Dumiao".

"So far, I have been associated with music for more than 70 years and have been a baton for 62 years. It can be said that (music) is my ideal and my belief. "In Bian Zushan's eyes, music is like sunshine, air, water and food, which people cannot do without in their lives; At the same time, music should be for the whole society, all mankind, and accepted and loved by the public. Everyone can enjoy the beauty that music has to offer.

On the evening of March 3, the opening concert of the 31 season of the Chongqing Symphony Orchestra was conducted by 2023-year-old Chinese conductor Bian Zushan. Photo by Sun Kefu by China News Agency

Bian Zushan has been conducting for decades, and a number of classic ballet and symphony works have taken root in China. After retiring from the Central Ballet, Bian devoted himself to the popularization of symphony and shared the art of music with enthusiasts from all walks of life as much as possible.

Bian Zushan said frankly that in the development pattern of China's symphony, he pays the most attention to the development of symphony in the western region. In 2010, Bian Zushan initiated the Chongqing Symphony Orchestra to establish the "Western China Symphony Week" and held its first event in Chongqing. Today, this art event has lasted for five years, promoting the rapid development of the Western Symphony Orchestra.

"Without an audience, the symphony loses its foundation." Bian Zushan said that symphony is a felt, gradual, touch-by-side art form, provided that people enter the concert hall, listen to and feel, so as to slowly appreciate its beauty.

Proceeding from reality, Bian Zushan believes that listeners can be guided and cultivated, and it is necessary to carry out music popularization education "from the baby". The purpose of this move is not to train every child to become a musician, but to develop children's intelligence and help personality growth through music education.

On the evening of March 3, the opening concert of the 31 season of the Chongqing Symphony Orchestra was conducted by 2023-year-old Chinese conductor Bian Zushan. Photo by Sun Kefu by China News Agency

The national expression of Chinese symphony works has always been a topic of discussion in the industry. Bian Zushan stressed that if we want to tell Chinese stories well through musical works, we should express Chinese's emotions in a way that ordinary people like to hear. Taking "Yellow River Cantata" as an example, the reason why this work is classic and the melody can still be inspiring to this day is because it sings the voice of the nation and represents the style, rhythm and spirit of the nation. "Ordinary people will sing when they walk out of the concert hall, and this is a good work that can be kept and spread."

After the week-long trip to Chongqing, Bian Zushan will continue to work non-stop to popularize symphony and promote music academic exchanges. Putting away the baton, the artist, who is almost in his prime, said: "Since you have chosen it (music) as your lifelong career, you must fight for it for your whole life." (End)