Beijing, 4 Apr (Zhongxin Net) -- "The road of life is like a long road with a beautiful dream. This is a lyric from "Qiannu Ghost", sung by Leslie Cheung.

In the entertainment industry, Leslie Cheung has multiple identities, is a singer who is popular all over the Chinese music scene, and an actor who has created many classic screen images. Regrettably, on April 2003, 4, Leslie Cheung jumped from the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hong Kong and died in a decisive way.

Twenty full years have passed.

Some people use sincerity to describe his attitude towards artistic creation; Some people describe his character as warm and easygoing. There are many others who still miss him.

Infographic: "Rong fans" came to the outside of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hong Kong to present flowers and put up a portrait to mourn the legendary Leslie Cheung. Photo by Li Zhihua

Fire all over the Chinese music scene

Around the 80s and 90s of the last century, Hong Kong pop music ushered in the golden age of "immortal fights". As a singer, Leslie Cheung's performance is very dazzling, he can be called a king-level superstar, "The Wind Continues to Blow", "The Love of the Year" and "Monica" are popular all over the Chinese music scene.

However, there was a view that his entry into the entertainment industry was not just due to interest. Leslie Cheung had a good family when he was a child, but his childhood was not perfect, and he did not live with his parents since he was a child.

Leslie Cheung's father, Cheung Huohai, was a famous tailor in Hong Kong, but he had no son to inherit his father's business. In 1977, Leslie Cheung took his song to the competition, and won the runner-up in the Hong Kong region of the TV "Asian Song Contest" in one fell swoop, thus entering the music scene.

After many years of art, Leslie Cheung has left many popular classic songs, which have been sung on the streets and alleys, becoming the youth memories of generations. He himself has also become a youth idol among the people.

The drama is wide

In addition to singing, Leslie Cheung also likes acting, and there is no shortage of classics in movies starring him.

Leslie Cheung is a very malleable actor, Song Zijie in "The True Color of Heroes" and Ning Caichen in "Qiannu Ghost" have left a deep impression on the audience. Even in funny films full of nonsensical comedy like "East Becomes West", he has excellent performances.

Image source: Screenshot of the movie "The True Color of Heroes"

He takes the performance seriously enough. In "Farewell My Concubine", Cheng Dieyi, played by Leslie Cheung, grew up in the Peking Opera team, and her cultural background and life experience are far from Leslie Cheung himself.

But with his own understanding and hard work, he played this character. Peking Opera has extremely high requirements for hand and body techniques, so Leslie Cheung went to Beijing and spent almost half a year learning Peking Opera. Mandarin was not good enough, so he did language training.

In the end, "Farewell My Concubine" shined after its release, and Leslie Cheung's Cheng Dieyi became one of the classic images in the film industry. To this day, the film still maintains a score of 9.6 points on Douban.

Yu Xin, director of the China Film Critics Society, gave a high evaluation of Leslie Cheung's acting skills, "As a film actor, Leslie Cheung has excellent acting skills and a wide range of dramas. He has created all kinds of roles and acted in all kinds of genre films, which is very exciting. ”

According to statistics, Leslie Cheung has starred in more than 50 movies and won the actor crown with "A Fei". He infuses his role with his unique charm and character traits, and can perform the charm of the character, which is not confusing.

A sincere person

Almost all partners who have worked with Leslie Cheung will give similar evaluations: sincere and easygoing. Many people like to call him "brother", which sounds kind and natural, like family.

Data map: Screenshot of the movie "Farewell My Concubine"

He brings warmth and sincerity to those around him. When filming "Farewell My Concubine", Leslie Cheung had been famous for a long time, but he had no star faction in the play and never lost his temper. There will also be fans on the set who rush to hear the news, wanting to take photos and sign autographs, and he almost never refuses.

To some extent, Leslie Cheung and the role of Cheng Dieyi are very similar, and they treat art purely and seriously, as if they are obsessed. When filming, he will spend a lot of energy pondering the scene and brewing emotions.

The same goes for being a singer. When recording a record, even if something goes wrong, he will broadcast it and listen carefully, and he will sing the whole song again to ensure the smoothness of the song.

The talented son Huang Xiao also admired Leslie Cheung very much, thinking that he was a very "true" person, "In the entertainment industry, everyone leaves three points when they speak." But Leslie Cheung has everything to say, from the heart to the mouth, without a filter. ”

Life is like a play

Some people once imagined that if Leslie Cheung had not passed away, he might have created more recognizable screen characters and left more songs worth singing. But today, these can only exist in the imagination.

Data map: "Brother fans" enjoy exhibits such as Leslie Cheung's vinyl records. Photo by Li Zhihua

In terms of art and behavior, Leslie Cheung's characteristics are in line with people's understanding of "high-quality idol". Yu Xin feels that Leslie Cheung is more like a cultural symbol in popular culture, a representative of popular culture, and a milestone.

In Yu Xin's view, compared with some impetuous, unmoving traffic but not polishing acting skills, Leslie Cheung's seriousness and excellent acting skills are in sharp contrast. This is one of the reasons why he is missed.

Classics are evocative and have an enduring charm. The years come with a nostalgic filter, but it is also a filter, whether a work is good or not, time will eventually give the answer.

Life is like a play, and a play is like life. Twenty years have passed, "Spring should be good, if you are still there." (End)