Zhongxin Wanghai, March 3 (Chen Jing, Xu Lanqing) Spring is a warm blossom season, peach red willows green, while people enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also suffer from itchy skin, rashes, sneezing, tears, asthma and other problems. Some severe allergies can even be life-threatening, such as anaphylactic shock.

Yuan Hongwei, chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Shanghai Medical University Hospital, said bluntly in an interview with reporters on the 29th: "Pollen coupled with the hot and cold climate in spring, it is difficult for sebaceous glands and sweat glands to achieve balance, making the skin sensitive and weakened resistance to sunlight, resulting in people being more allergic to pollen season in spring." ”

It is reported that there are hundreds of common allergens, and pollen is an important category. According to Yuan Hongwei, the "culprits" of spring pollen allergy are often not those brightly colored ornamental flowers, but those trees and weeds that do not look like they will bloom. For example, common poplars, willows, plane trees, etc., generally begin to scatter pollen at the end of March and early April, and will last until early May.

The expert stressed to reporters that allergies cannot be ignored, and explained that when the human body is allergic, it will cause mucosal damage, vascular exudation, and manifest as rash, redness, itching and other symptoms on the skin, urticaria, eczema, etc.; In the respiratory system, it can cause spasm of airway vascularity, trigger asthma or bronchitis, cause inflammation of the lungs, and even cause laryngeal edema, leading to suffocation; In the digestive tract, it can cause nausea and vomiting and other organ damage; Severe cases can also cause anaphylactic shock and even sudden death.

Shen Li, chief physician of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and the Special Pediatric ENT Clinic of Shanghai Medical University Hospital, told reporters that recently, many people have come to the hospital for throat discomfort and allergic rhinitis, many of which are related to spring pollen allergies. Shen Li introduced that pollen allergy has the characteristics of seasonality, recurrent, rapid onset (coming quickly, going fast, and acute attacks), familial (often with a family history of allergies), and good medication effect. Allergies are inherited, for example, if one parent has allergies, the child has about a 30% chance of inheritance; If both parents are allergic, the child may have a greater chance, up to 50%.

Experts remind the public that proper intake of B vitamins is also beneficial to relieve allergy symptoms. Photo by Xu Lanqing

If you or your child is prone to allergies, you need to observe and prevent it in time. Shen Li said that pollen allergy patients can start preventive treatment 2 to 3 weeks before the onset of the disease according to the time of onset in previous years. Many patients in Shanghai develop nasal and ear symptoms around mid-April, so preventive treatment should be started from the end of March to the beginning of April to relieve symptoms or suppress symptoms.

How to prevent pollen allergies? Shen Li introduced that people can carry masks, goggles, nasal spray hormones, etc. as anti-allergic supplies when necessary to relieve uncomfortable symptoms. Yuan Hongwei pointed out that people who are allergic to pollen should reduce outdoor activities as much as possible in the season when pollen concentration is high, and do not dry clothes outdoors. In addition to taking some protective measures when going out, such as wearing long-sleeved clothing, masks, and protective glasses, people can also try to apply pollen blockers to the nasal cavity to reduce the chance of exposure to pollen.

In the interview, the reporter learned that life pressure and decreased immunity are also the causes of allergic symptoms, experts remind the public: it is very important to prevent allergies and establish a healthy lifestyle and eating habits; You should eat less foods that are easy to get hot and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C to enhance the body's resistance. At the same time, proper intake of B vitamins is also beneficial to relieve allergy symptoms. (End)