• MomenTVs El zarpazo de Jorge Javier Vázquez by Mediaset in Survivors

If Survivors and problem come together in the same sentence, the first thing that comes to mind is food. It's no surprise that when food starts to run out for real, when forces start to slacken and when the atmosphere isn't what you want, everything blows up in Survivors. Well, in this edition the thing was not going to be different: Adara Molinero has exploded and has done it with all the arsenal.

Adara is not comfortable in her group and is not in good spirits. The reality queen is probably having her worst week since Survivors 2023 began. Nominated, hungry, tired and even the ovaries of Arelys and Diego, Adara Molinero has hit the table that had been sweeping since last week when she was leader. The problem is none other than food, the big problem of Survivors and, especially, at this point in the program.

The contestants are already beginning to notice the shortage of food and the forces and reserves they brought from Spain are disappearing, so the slightest change in food, in the little food they have, can lead to what has led between Adara Molinero and Arelys. Now, I also say one thing, in a situation like the one they are in which their only means of survival is the 50 grams of rice that the organization gives them a day, plus what they fish, I very much agree with Adara that with the food of each one does not play. If there are 50 grams of rice for each day, who is Arelys or Diego, the leader of the group this week, or whatever it is to decide that the amount is reduced because many fish have been caught and it is better to save for when lean cows come.

There are contestants who have more reservations, or who endure hunger better or who have not yet begun to notice the lack of food. Those do not care if they put 50 grams or 30, but there are others who need to feed themselves with everything they have for a day, and that is the case of Adara. The normal thing would be for everyone to decide. That is, we have many fish who prefer to save part of the rice for another day with fewer fish to keep it and who wants to eat the fish caught plus the corresponding ration of rice for the day, then eat it. What is not acceptable is that it is someone else, no matter how much he is in charge of the kitchen or who reads about the group, who makes decisions that directly affect the physical and mental abilities of others.

"You can argue for anything, but don't let them lower me what I have to do. Don't touch my ration of rice, that's all I ask." And this explains everything. I don't think it's very easy to understand that if there are 50 grams for each day and Adara wants to eat her 50 grams because she needs them, no one can come and change those grams. They are his and nothing but his, and he is hungry.

And this is simply what happened. Adara Molinero is suffering the weeks in which the body has to adapt to not receiving enough carbohydrates, proteins and others to endure. It is only a period of adaptation, but it must be passed. It's cold, you feel weak, moody, powerless, exhausted... And if you add a nomination to this, then turn off and let's go. If the thing was already warm from last week between Arelys and Adara, this week was not going to get better, and less with Adara nominated and with the desire that everyone has. As Survivors showed last night, Adara Molinero is very afraid, they see her favorite and where they find a loophole to exhaust her, there they will go.

The Exorcism of Survivors

This week she no longer has the power of leadership, Diego has it and Diego, for whom she ended up nominated last week, is not going to make it easy for her. There were already their pluses and minuses with the distribution of tasks, and Adara, although grumbling accepted without further ado, there was already history with the hours of meals, and Adara was silent, but with the amount of food, that yes not, that is mortal sin, that is not touched, danger of death.

"You've been touching my eggs for two days. Do not touch my rice ration again. It's what's stipulated, it's my gasoline," Adara reproached Arelys. It is true that the forms of Adara when she loses them there is no one who asks to control her again, but despite the forms, what Adara claimed was more than fair and normal. Even so, Arelys, who is also big-headed and who is seen with the support of the leader and the rest of the companions except for Asraf who, being also nominated with Adara, has made tandem with her, decided to dig into the wound instead of giving a silent answer or a 'look, if you want your 50 grams I put your 50 grams'. Normal, by the way.

"You don't play with food, you don't play with food!" insisted Adara through tears, and then happened what happens when someone thinks they are in a better position than the other in a battle. Arelys, instead of calming tempers or instead of understanding that Adara no matter how much she was losing the papers was right, went to pour more gasoline on the fire: "Don't scream, Adara, to the tree, punished, like children." Look, look, look... Little did Adara explode. You tell me to go punished to the tree like children, when I am shitting with hunger, when I am simply asking to be given my due, and the one who tells me has no island to run. I take the rice and I eat mine, yours and every living bug on the beach.

Of course, I expected Arelys to happen then. Adara chose to leave, but who knows how Adara is, knows that she will not give the battle for lost: "You go Virgin Mary and you have the devil inside, clown". Adara Miller, in its purest form. Adara of good is very good, but of bad ... I don't think there is a reality contestant who generates better fights. The most memorable phrases of the fights of the realities comes from Adara. And in Survivors 2023 it was not going to be less.

But the anger did not remain in that nor was it in a completely devastated Adara crying among the palm trees and with the only consolation of Asraf because the others the more sunken they see it, the more convenient it suits them. Ion Aramendi, who last night also passed Cain's, connected live with them and put the issue on the table. Although Adara was calmer, when someone is right, she has it and everything caught fire again in Survivors. Arelys said that the only one who has put problems with the distribution of food and the only one who has complained has been Adara, while Adara maintained her version that Arelys was reducing the amounts of the portions. Each one with his version and God with that of all.

One that says the other lies, the other that says that the other lies more and, the others, as usually happens in Survivors and any reality, of cover, of silence, of 'no, I am that I adapt'. And this has only just begun, until Thursday arrives, the rice theme may cause Adara to perform the exorcism of Arelys or that the "demon" that Adara Arelys supposedly carries inside change host. In the vineyard of the Lord, anything can happen.

Ion Aramendi, up to his nose in Survivors

What seems not going to happen is the abandonment of Gema Aldón. It does not surprise me that Ion Aramendi, Carlos Sobera and Jorge Javier Vázquez, the three presenters who have to deal with the abandonments, are even beyond Orion of this theme. First it was Patricia Donoso, already banished from the Mediaset univero; then the threat of abandonment of Katerina, who now seems the best survivors in the world world; and last night Gema Aldón. Yes, yes, Gema Aldón, one of the great favorites of Survivors 2023 last night wanted to piss and if it is not because her mother, Ana María Aldón, stops her, we would have another Donoso case in the cult of the revolver of Survivors.

Let's see, it turns out that Gema Aldón last Thursday hurt herself in an elbow and really had to hurt herself. It was necessary to infiltrate her and for that there are the medical services of Survivors, but Gema Aldón is terrified of needles and as much as she was raging with pain when the doctors went to put the treatment, Gema Aldón refused.

If you refuse, nothing can be done. Obviously, the pain went to more and this Sunday morning she finally accepted to be infiltrated, but of course, the treatment takes time to take effect. So Gema Aldón made the decision that she was going to Spain. Again, another hint of abandonment, another moment of presenter playing the improvised psychologist. Well not anymore, the presenters have tired, they are up to the bun of the threats that I want to leave, that I can't stand it, that I don't care if they sanction me. Well, this time, the fed up was Ion Aramendi.

The presenter could say it louder, but not clearer: "If you want to keep quitting, you are within your rights, but that would mean that you will have to face all the consequences of your abandonment." Speaking in silver: 'you want to piss, you piss, you will pay the consequences'. But no warnings, no consequences, no milk. Notice that I think the survivors know that if you threaten to leave, they take you apart, you get a few minutes of absolute prominence and on top of that they let you talk to a relative, and they have learned the pod and there they go. Survivors should call this area, Playa Abandono.

"They tell me that in three or four days my elbow will be better, but I can't spend another day on that mat with these terrible pains. I know that I have to face many things if I reject, but I am going to face it and I am going to go to Spain, "insisted Gema Aldón, seeing that Ion Aramendi was not in compressive mode, but in mode, I am up to the noses of these. And he got what he surely wanted, to talk to someone from outside who would tell him between the lines how the situation is, if he is doing well, if he has the support of outsiders. And so did Ana María Aldón, undercover messages, Gema Aldón getting an idea of how things are and again for the beach. It does not surprise me that Ion Aramendi is up to his nose, but for the next one directly to the plane and back to Spain, you will see how the threats of abandonment in Survivors end.

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  • Survivors
  • Telecinco