【Commentary】At present, in the critical period of spring recruitment, with the adjustment of epidemic prevention and control measures, colleges and universities around the world have successively carried out offline job fairs and double election meetings, and on March 3, Peking University held the 18 Spring Employment Fair for graduates, as the largest double election meeting of Peking University in the past three years, the activity attracted more than 2023 family units. Some employer recruiters said that compared with last year, the demand for jobs has increased, and the requirements and demand for digital talents are increasing.

【During the same period】Employer recruiters

This year, we expect to recruit more than 4000,<> positions, and then each position needs more talents.

【During the same period】Employer recruiters

Whether it is from this demand of the country or from the demand of various enterprises, it is in an upward trend.

【During the same period】Employer recruiters

This year, our job demand has increased steadily compared with usual, such as integrated circuits, processors, chips, and other aspects such as quantum and artificial intelligence, and we will especially want to focus on introducing some good talents.

【During the same period】Dong Tao, deputy director of Chongqing Talent Exchange Service Center

In this year's recruitment tour of key universities, we have specially added a special area for digital economy talents, of which more than one-third are digital economy-related positions.

【During the same period】Employer recruiters

Compared with last year, we are now mainly recruiting some positions related to algorithm, software and hardware development, which is a little higher than last year.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, the scale of graduates of ordinary colleges and universities nationwide in 2023 reached a new high, expected to reach 1158.82 million, an increase of <>,<> year-on-year. In the face of the current employment situation, most fresh graduates who came to apply said that they need to plan ahead, improve their abilities and seize opportunities.

【During the same period】Job-seeking students

I think what I can do is to do some planning in advance, because I feel that the situation is definitely becoming more and more intense, and I think if you are a relatively junior student, you should try to clarify which path you want to take, and then make career planning as soon as possible.

【During the same period】Job-seeking students

After broadening some ways, we make a choice, and after choosing, in the final analysis, we still improve our own capabilities.

【During the same period】Job-seeking students

You may need to spend more time looking for opportunities, and you can't say that like before, just wait for opportunities to fall from the sky and hit you, and now this probability is relatively small.

【Explanation】For their job search intentions, most of the interviewed students said that in the selection of positions, in addition to considering the degree of professional matching, they pay more attention to the long-term development space in the future.

【During the same period】Job-seeking students

Whether it is right for my major, I feel that this is the most important.

【During the same period】Job-seeking students

I think one is interest, and then there's being good at it, and there's room for it to grow.

【During the same period】Job-seeking students

I ask more about what the company's training system for new talents is, and I am more concerned about these.

【During the same period】Job-seeking students

Because I mainly do basic medicine, it is more important to say whether the platform of the unit can make itself develop for a long time.

Dong Yufei reported from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Wang Kai]