【Scene】Now the first step is to make pork chop buns, the bun has been baked, isn't it very beautiful, you don't need to look at it, you want to eat it when you smell it.

【Commentary】Next to the Macao Youth Innovation Tribe in Guangzhou's Huangpu District, a seemingly inconspicuous street shop makes the most authentic Macao cuisine. Classic snacks such as black char siu, pork chop bun, shrimp wonton noodles still retain their traditional flavors, attracting many diners to try them.

【During the same period】Macao gourmet chef Yip Shengxin

I brought some traditional taste of Macao with me, and I hope to do my best to minimize some costs, give guests a bowl of food, or eat a snack, all hoping to be close to the price in Guangzhou.

【Commentary】Ye Shengxin started cooking at the age of 12 and studied in Macao, and has traveled around the world to learn cooking since 1983, and has worked in restaurants in Europe, America, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places. He has been awarded the Le Cordon Bleu Cross of the French Gastronomy Association, the Gold Medal of the French Chef Association, and the Gold Medal Chef of the Chinese Hotel Industry.

Although wearing countless halos, Ye Shengxin is keen to make down-to-earth food. He split the traditional dim sum snacks of Macao into char siu stalls, wonton stalls and Portuguese tea stalls, and the simple ingredients under his cooking are rich in taste and layered.

【During the same period】Macao gourmet chef Yip Shengxin

I have been in this industry for almost 42 years, and there are six words in my heart, responsibility, responsibility, and then responsibility, I often say a word, to make food in Macao, not just you this restaurant, every plate of you have tourists to eat in Macao, you represent the entire Macao cuisine.

【Commentary】Originated in Wonton noodles in Guangzhou and later spread to Hong Kong and Macau. In order to retain the traditional taste, Ip Shengxin used radishes, apples, bean sprouts, onions and other soups to make wonton noodles.

【Scene】 boiling noodles, we take the noodles with high-temperature water, put it down, immediately to open it, about twenty seconds, and then put it in (cold water), change the noodles from hot to cold, it will be more Q bounce, and then return to the pot, the next step is to put the cloud swallow, Guangdong's saltwater fresh water shrimp roe, okay.

【Commentary】Speaking of the inheritance and innovation of Cantonese cuisine, Ye Shengxin believes that the most important thing is to pass on the experience of predecessors, and only by laying a good foundation can we innovate.

【During the same period】Macao gourmet chef Yip Shengxin

Now for the sake of the body, for health, (not innovative) okay, no, so we have to keep the traditional taste good, and we have to bring health, bring new things in, (wonton noodles) I will match vegetables and fruits to make soup, you say these are not traditional innovations.

【Commentary】In order to bring more authentic Macao cuisine to Guangzhou, Yip Shengxin plans to build a Macao food street in Huangpu, including 15 kinds of delicacies such as Macao roadside beef miscellaneous and water crab porridge, and at the same time combine Macao culture with Whampoa culture, allowing Guangzhou citizens to experience "cultural slow food".

【During the same period】Macao gourmet chef Yip Shengxin

I hope there can be a not too big, three or four hundred square places, there can be several rooms, the kitchen is transparent OPEN, people who come to eat sit down together, I take the initiative to pass on Cantonese cuisine in front of them, I think Cantonese cuisine is Cantonese culture, can't stop it, should pass on Cantonese cuisine.

At present, Ye Shengxin commutes between Guangzhou and Macau every week, and sometimes lives in Guangzhou for a long time. For Hong Kong and Macao young people who want to open gourmet shops in the mainland, Yip suggested that the location of the store and the group of consumers should first be considered.

【During the same period】Macao gourmet chef Yip Shengxin

Guangzhou is a colorful "food paradise", you should clearly consider whether everything is based on the taste of Guangzhou or traditional taste, or the original taste of Macao. But I all say the same thing, Hong Kong and Macao young people go to the Greater Bay Area (mainland cities) to open gourmet shops, if you want to do it, you must work hard, do your duty, and make the store you want to open and make the food.

Reporting by Wei Jeff Sun Qiuxia from Guangdong

Responsible Editor: [Lu Yan]