Since man invented the computer, he has been in continuous research and progress to enhance his invention, so that it reaches the level of managing most tasks that require human intelligence with feelings and sensations at the same time, or such a goal.

Human attempts have been serious and vigorous since the 1950s for the machine to do the work of man, and the current reality states that technology is accelerating at an amazing pace, so that you cannot expect what may happen after two or three years, until the phrase “distant future” that we used to call the period of fifty to a hundred years has become Or more, it has come to mean a few few years, and the term “artificial intelligence” has appeared and has become widely circulated in recent years, to denote a near upcoming technical future.

Artificial intelligence or everything related to computers or computers, but its foundations were laid based on the research and studies of an English mathematician called "Alan Turing", who was famous for his research, studies and scientific papers that contributed to the invention of the first computer in history, the most prominent of which was a scientific paper he presented in 1936 - as Sources researching in this field - and it was titled "Countable Numbers and Applications to Solve the Decision Issue", put in it the idea of ​​a comprehensive machine capable of performing all arithmetic operations.

That is, that paper is the basis or the main concept of the computer in our hands, and accordingly, technology companies in the world used its concept in the manufacture of computers.

Alan Turing's efforts continued years later until he presented a scientific paper in 1950 entitled "Computational Machines and Intelligence", and developed a test that was then called the Turing test, which had a great impact later on research and discussions of artificial intelligence, so that any of us uses the keyboard to schedule data Or processing words and others, but he is actually working on a machine invented by Turing or his brainchild, as said by the American "Time" magazine, which put him in one of its issues among the 100 most important people during the twentieth century.

Many people saw years ago that the Chinese news agency, Xinhua, broadcast a talk to the first virtual announcer, in which real-time audio and video recording was combined with a virtual character through technology that simulates human mental capabilities.

What is artificial intelligence?

Before we delve into this topic of ours, we find the importance of defining this term or field in a simple way so that we are aware of the matter as we go through it.

Artificial intelligence is a science concerned with the manufacture of machines or robots linked to computer systems, which perform behaviors that humans consider intelligent, or possess characteristics related to intelligence, decision-making and performance of some tasks that require thinking, understanding, hearing, speaking and movement instead of humans.

There are several types of artificial intelligence, including the limited one that is concerned with only one system or field, such as games, for example, and general artificial intelligence that is close to the level of human intelligence, so that it can perform intellectual actions and tasks that the person himself does.

As for the third type, it is a super intelligence, which exceeds human intelligence.

I will not talk about the fields of artificial intelligence because they are many and complex, but the talk is limited to one field, which is the media in general.

Media artificial intelligence

Media in general may be one of the areas that artificial intelligence will sweep away and launch without borders, which made the major global media institutions, especially after the last Corona crisis, accelerate their steps to activate the idea of ​​embracing advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence in order to maintain the media industry, in a time that has become In it, technology mixes and competes with many fields of human work, not just the media industry.

The Al Jazeera Media Institute is doing well by organizing a conference in Doha these days on the impact of artificial intelligence technology and designing the future, during which the conference discusses opportunities, challenges and ethics.

The press of artificial intelligence will undoubtedly create a revolution in the media industry, whether sober, moderate and honest, or false and trivial media, as there will be no geographical or legal borders, nor any restrictions placed by governments or responsible authorities in each country on freedom of opinion. And the transfer of news and information, but the recipient or interacting with the media materials will be the judge, and he is the one who decides the validity of any media material or not, after he has accumulated sufficient experience after a period of time that will not be long, through which he can decide and make a decision.

This matter will create a very fierce competition between the various media institutions, and the winner will undoubtedly be what can be called the opportunity hunter, which is in the form of media institutions from those that see their future as clear as the sun, so they work in their present for their tomorrow, and they keep pace with this evolving and renewed reality and harmonization With him, by seizing any opportunity to modernize and enhance its products, and develop production and creativity methods in it, by obtaining the latest advanced technologies in the world of artificial intelligence, and working to integrate them into its industry or the media industry in general.

As for the biggest loser, without a doubt, he is the one who is late or procrastinating in matters, until you find him turning after a short period of time into a consuming party or perhaps penetrated by all those sides, snipers of opportunities, keeping pace with technical and informational development, and soon controlling the artificial intelligence media market.

Artificial intelligence is an expanding world

Artificial intelligence, of course, is not only smart robots, but rather an expanding world that includes Internet of Things platforms, which means the interconnection between electronic devices from the simplest to the most complex via the Internet, in addition to high-resolution mobile phones, location detection techniques, documentation applications, fraud detection and forgery. , in addition to 3D printing, data analysis devices, advanced algorithms, information collection techniques, and other smart applications that, if invested in a scientifically correct manner, will push artificial intelligence journalism a long way, and will even set its feet in the future while it is still in the present, or so. can be expressed.

Many saw years ago that the Chinese news agency, Xinhua, broadcast a talk to the first virtual announcer, in which real-time audio and video recording was combined with a virtual character, through technology that simulates human mental capabilities.

Then, the South Korean virtual anchor, "Kim", appeared two years ago, to read a news bulletin with a real anchor, and even exchange conversations with her, in a clear development of artificial intelligence that can be used in times of emergencies and crises, for example, and until the technology is developed and approved to be the virtual anchor at that time. Like the real thing, they are placed on the news schedules and may be presented individually after a while.

In the world of journalism, techniques for producing journalistic materials such as news, economic analyses, news stories, and others have emerged using artificial intelligence, through programs and technologies that extract huge data from the digital archive, then edit and audit them, and even automatically direct the content to a specific audience or individuals.

What is required?

After this brief talk about the intertwined and expanding world of artificial intelligence, I see that traditional media, including journalism, is required to keep pace with new technologies, as newsrooms in televisions and newspapers, for example, need artificial intelligence technologies in order to develop their business, and save the efforts of their journalists who are wasted on routine matters. It has sophisticated smart programs, as the Canadian News Agency did by establishing a system to accelerate translations based on artificial intelligence, or a system that detects forged images as the French News Agency did, and other examples.

However, there are concerns among some media workers that artificial intelligence will eliminate some of the jobs currently held by humans.

This is a legitimate fear, and it is what will undoubtedly happen, but the workers will not be laid off as easily as some pessimists expect, but rather they will be directed towards carrying out tasks in which humans are still superior to artificial intelligence and its software and applications, or what we call deep journalism, such as related tasks With human dialogues or investigative journalism, applications and systems capable of implementing them have not yet emerged.

Therefore, it would not be wise for the owners of money or the owners of media institutions to lay off workers in order to save a few dirhams. Humans, despite the technical development in the media, must be in the media industry the pivots around which these smart robots will revolve.

Artificial intelligence journalism - in conclusion to this talk - a new media revolution that is fully compatible with modern technologies of the information and industrial revolution.

This intelligence seemed to everyone to have a great impact on the media and the press, after digitization invaded many vital areas.

Hence, we find that the press of artificial intelligence is growing greatly in the world of journalism and media, and it will lead to a radical change in the world of media, and this change will necessarily affect the producers, as well as the consumers who are the general readers and followers of the media.

The faster the pace of media institutions towards digitization first, and then containing artificial intelligence technologies, software and applications, and working to adapt them in order to enhance and develop media work secondly, the chances of their survival in the field of competition are great.

The opposite is undoubtedly true.

Perhaps this conclusion is the answer to the question that was the title of this talk, and whether artificial intelligence threatens the future of media or not.