The world needs scientists who have the courage to produce a new type of knowledge with the aim of saving humanity. There are many factors that combine to pose a threat to the existence of the entire world.

But despite the clarity of these factors, Western countries ignore them, so why do they ignore them?!

In order for scientists to produce this new knowledge that contributes to saving humanity, they must liberate themselves from scientific dependence on the West, and devise scientific approaches and tools that open new horizons for discovering facts, increasing peoples' awareness and shaping public opinion. This constitutes a civilized function and a new historical role for scientists after they focused on All their efforts during the past two centuries to develop material production, industry, means of power, and weapons of destruction and annihilation. Will scientists and researchers play their new role in saving humanity from the complex material progress that was the result of applying scientific methods that focus on experiment and observation?

A vision from the future

In a study published by Columbia University, Naomi Orsex and Eric Conway refer to a new concept of "market failure", which they believe has become an inevitable consequence of rising social and personal costs for societies, and that capitalist theory has become unable to confront this failure and provide new solutions.

Despite the clarity of this failure, the capitalist theorists continued to deny it, and did not recognize the changes that could lead to an imminent catastrophe.

This denial leads to a failure to analyze global events and understand their impact, and this indicates that the knowledge that can be obtained through the senses, experience, and scientific observation is limited, and that the world needs to expand the sources of knowledge.

A minority controls decision-making

The focus on the mind and the use of Western scientific approaches led to the growth of industrial capitalism, the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few that control the will of the majority, as wealthy businessmen control the decision-making process, and work to disrupt thinking about alternatives to face climate change, market failure and push the media to ignore Events that illustrate the dangers that threaten Western countries, and the lack of analysis and interpretation of these events.

Thus, academic and media freedoms have been restricted, and the process of producing knowledge that can reveal facts and warn societies of the dangers that threaten their existence, so the world needs a new stage of struggle to protect scientific freedom, and open the way for scientists to produce knowledge with new methods and approaches that are not subject to conditions. western capitalism.

Western progress became more dangerous when it was not guided by wisdom and the loss of ethics and conscience, and the American aggression against Iraq constituted a crime in which the historical evidence of the greatest civilization known to mankind was destroyed, which is the Islamic civilization whose center was Baghdad and it was the most beautiful and greatest city in the world in which science, literature and poetry developed.

Corona reveals new facts

One of the most important facts revealed by the Corona epidemic is that the mind has its limits, and that a person must rethink many of the foundations on which he built his life during the twentieth century, the most important of which is the focus on matter and the use of the senses in obtaining knowledge and applying scientific methods.

Medical progress was one of the most important Western scientific achievements, as scientists succeeded in producing knowledge related to the human body and its repair when it is exposed to disease through treatment that contributed to the production of experimental scientific research applied by pharmaceutical companies.

It has become a source of economic and commercial power for Western countries, and this is certainly a great civilizational achievement.

However, that progress led to the feeling of underdeveloped peoples' inferiority and helplessness.

Where stories and jokes are circulated that illustrate Western progress in the field of body repair and surgeries in modern hospitals, and many jokes circulate in the Arab world that revolve around the white Western boasting that he succeeded in transferring a heart to a patient whose heart had stopped, and of course we cannot mention the rest of the joke because it It can endanger us even though everyone knows it.

There is another joke about the Arab student who married an American nurse, and his father objected, but when she succeeded in treating him, he said a saying that we cannot repeat either.

The seriousness of these jokes is that they constitute an acknowledgment of the impotence in front of Western progress in only one field, which is medicine, and that the advanced Westerner is qualified with his knowledge to rule the world, control it and manage it, and this is related to the justification on which Western colonialism was based in occupying the Arab world, Africa and Asia, which is the historical burden or the role of the white man In the civilization of humanity, this illustrates the serious role of jokes in shaping a state of helplessness, inferiority, and submission to colonialism.

Where is the scientific progress?!

The Corona epidemic constituted a global civilizational shock, as health systems in all countries of the world were helpless in the face of this epidemic, which spread rapidly, and made every person expect death at any moment, while he takes medicines recommended by doctors, but he knows very well that their benefit is limited and he sees the bodies of the dead in front of him. Without having any benefit for them, the doctors see the bodies of the patients collapsing in front of them, just as the engineers see how the beautiful buildings that they excelled in designing and constructing collapse due to the earthquake.

It is death before us, that is the fact that prompts us to review many methods of producing knowledge based on the mind alone and forces everyone to be humble and realize the falsity of Western racist myths;

The white man has nothing to command himself in front of the death that everyone awaits without looking at their colors, races, and affiliation. Death is coming, and everyone is unable to confront it, and if Corona ends, another epidemic appears, or an earthquake comes, or people die of fear, oppression, depression, grief, and heartbreak.

Western arrogance with annihilation weapons

One of the most important evidences of Western progress was the development of weapons used in destruction and annihilation, which constituted a civilizational shock to the Egyptians when Napoleon launched his campaign against Egypt, and they witnessed death and bombs (canbuses) falling on them like rain, tearing apart bodies, subjugating souls and filling hearts with fear and terror.

In Algeria, France used weapons of destruction to exterminate people, destroy urbanization, burn villages, and destroy crops and udders, then Western scientists went on to develop these weapons to increase their destructive capacity, so the experience was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but Western progress became more dangerous when it was not guided by wisdom and the loss of morals and conscience, and the form of American aggression against Iraq is a crime in which the historical evidence of the greatest civilization known to humanity was destroyed, which is the Islamic civilization whose center was Baghdad and it was the most beautiful and greatest city in the world in which science, literature and poetry developed.

These advanced weapons - which include nuclear weapons - are now threatening European cities. The Russian-Ukrainian war is developing and no one can predict its results, but it has become a threat to the existence of all of Europe.

This war began to affect the standard of living of all peoples, so commodity prices rose, inflation increased, and poverty spread in Europe, and Europeans began to suffer and fear the future and feel depressed, frustrated, and uncertain.

America insists on defeating Russia, but Putin can direct his nuclear weapons to Europe if he feels defeated, and there are indications that the world could witness a global war in which millions are exterminated, cities are destroyed, and this war is called by Christian evangelical fundamentalists "Armageddon" based on the Bible.

what does that mean?

It means that the advanced weapons that were used throughout the past two centuries in imposing Western colonialism and in the extermination of Muslims and Africans, can today revert to the breasts of the Europeans, destroying all the material progress they have achieved that they boasted of over humanity, exalted themselves, were arrogant, and mocked the backwardness of the peoples upon whom they imposed inferiority, impotence, and underdevelopment.

Poverty threatens everyone

One of the most important results of Western colonialism was that Western countries plundered the wealth of the peoples in Asia and Africa, so the Western countries got richer while the peoples got poorer, hungry, and backward. It is certain that Western progress is made with plundered wealth, and it was at the expense of the weak peoples that the West mocks and describes as backward.

Paris was rebuilt with the gold that was looted from Algeria, and its palaces were decorated with the skulls of the Algerian martyrs who defended their country and resisted the French occupation.

It is certain that Western countries exaggerated the use of their brute force, which was one of the most important manifestations of scientific progress against peoples, but we can now clearly notice the results of the use of this force, and that it can rebound to the chests of Europeans, and be used to destroy their cities, impoverish them and return them to the pre-revolutionary stage Industrialism and the European Renaissance.

The fall of Western democracy

There is a lot of evidence that Western countries dealt with democracy and human rights with double standards, and worked to impose tyrannical regimes on the people.

However, these regimes subjugated their people and used brute force to subdue them, imposing Western culture on them to prevent them from resisting and striving to achieve their destiny and build their future.

People's increasing awareness of the role of Western countries in imposing backwardness and poverty on them, so the hostility of these peoples to the West increased, and their anger at their authoritarian regimes was linked to hostility to America, which aborted its democratic experiments to impose on it regimes that plunged it into poverty and debt.

However, one of the most important results of the West's support for the totalitarian military dictatorship regimes in oppressing peoples is that migrations flowed to Western countries, and to limit the flow of migrations, Western countries imposed many exceptional measures, violated human rights, and dealt racistly with immigrants, but do these measures pose a threat to Western citizens who They enjoyed security, and were proud of their laws that did not discriminate between citizens!

More clearly, will Western democracy fall and tyranny move to Western countries after the popularity of right-wing anti-immigrant trends increased, and their chances of reaching power increased?

And what would happen if climatic changes and natural disasters forced Westerners who now enjoy security to migrate to Arab and African countries, could that happen?

Asking unexpected questions is a creative scientific endeavor that can stimulate minds to think.

Is Western civilization collapse?

I can direct a scientific criticism of Western civilization, and explain to the people the disasters that resulted from their domination of the world, and the weakening of other civilizations, but I do not wish for their collapse and acknowledge their thanks in developing the communication revolution, which constitutes a great civilizational achievement that humanity deserves, but thinking about wishes is an unscientific act, and there is a lot Among the factors that gather to push this civilization towards collapse and to save that civilization is a project based on the struggle of Western peoples to rationalize this civilization, and to participate with weak peoples in establishing a world based on justice, freedom and exchange of knowledge, and Westerners abandoning selfishness and arrogance over peoples, and apologizing for the crimes of genocide and destruction that they committed. It was carried out by Westerners during the past two centuries, opening the way for peoples to decide their own destiny and establish their democratic systems that are able to preserve their wealth, and invest it to overcome poverty and forgive all debts of weak peoples.

But can this be achieved?

The answer needs scientists who have the courage of mind, conscience and heart.