According to a report by Jiangsu Radio and Television Headquarters on March 5, recently, market supervision and law enforcement officers in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province found that after a meeting held in a local hotel, 48 bottles of drinking water were left behind, of which 43 bottles were not finished after opening. , was directly discarded by the cleaning staff.

The hotel lobby and dining area did not post anti-food waste signs as required, and the hotel did not take the initiative to remind consumers to prevent food waste.

The law enforcement officers ordered immediate correction, and issued an administrative penalty decision to give a warning.

On the 5th, the law enforcement officers made a return visit, and the hotel has made rectification.

  The waste of "half a bottle of water" can be described as a persistent problem in many meeting places. According to previous media reports, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation once estimated that the waste rate of 10% of bottled water in the country is 10 million bottles per year. above.

Every ton of bottled water generally consumes 1.3 tons of raw water. Behind the waste of tens of millions of bottles of bottled water is an even more astonishing waste of water resources.

  Because of this, many netizens expressed their support for the above-mentioned punishment decision, but some people thought it was justifiable to waste "half a bottle of water".

  As a resource-rich country and a big consumer country, strict conservation and opposition to waste have always been emphasized by the relevant parties in the country. Anti-food waste is not just a personal matter, nor can it just stay at the moral level, but must be guaranteed and escorted by the rule of law.

  With the efforts of all walks of life, in April 2021, my country's Anti-Food Waste Law was officially implemented, which clearly defined that food waste refers to the failure to rationally use food that is safe to eat or drink according to its functional purpose, including discarding, causing waste due to unreasonable use, etc. Reduced quantity or quality of food, etc.

At the same time, catering service operators are required to take the initiative to remind consumers to prevent food waste, post or place anti-food waste signs in eye-catching places, or provide reminders by service personnel to guide consumers to order meals in an appropriate amount as needed. Violators will be deemed If the circumstances are serious, punishments such as ordering corrections, warnings, and fines shall be given.

This is also the basis and reason why the hotel involved in the above report was punished for the "half bottle of water" problem.

  In recent years, many places have worked hard to promote the "Clear Bottle Action" to address the waste of bottled water. For example, encouraging conference organizers to bring their own bottled water, forcing them to consider reducing waste from the perspective of economic costs; Get into the habit of taking away excess water.

Some experts also believe that relevant departments and industry associations can promote bottled water production enterprises to implement "consumer identification requirements" and promote marked bottled water through compulsory and encouraging measures, so as to reduce people's worries about taking and drinking wrongly .

It can be seen that to fight against food waste, it is even more necessary to implement the awareness of conservation into every detail of life.

  In fact, after the implementation of the Anti-Food Waste Law, many places have issued relevant fines. For example, some bakeries were fined for scrapping unsightly bread, and some restaurants were ordered to make corrections for inducing consumers to order more meals. There are also restaurants that have been warned for not reminding consumers to pack...Of course, punishment is only a means, and the purpose is to urge restaurant operators not to blindly pursue money and profits, but to assume the main responsibility and social obligations, and build a solid foundation against food waste. important line of defense.

  In February of this year, the State Administration for Market Regulation announced the second batch of typical cases of administrative punishment to stop food waste. Some merchants who induced and misled consumers to order excessive food, and did not post or display anti-food waste signs were exposed.

The legal correction and timely investigation of these cases is conducive to creating a social atmosphere where waste is shameful and thrift is proud, it is conducive to warning and deterring more potential wasteners, and curbing more wasteful behaviors. It also demonstrates the country's anti-waste attitude and Determination——in the name of the law, promote frugality, establish correct values, and help build a conservation-oriented society.

  One porridge and one meal are not easy to think about. From a certain perspective, the biggest disappointment with food is waste.

To protect the delicious food on the tip of the tongue, we must also protect the civilization on the tip of the tongue. This is also the proper meaning of ensuring food security and securing the jobs of the Chinese people.

  bow length

  "Workers' Daily" (Edition 08, March 8, 2023)