The British edition of The Spectator published an article by Peter Frankopan, professor of global history at Oxford University, the essence of which is that it was not possible to isolate Russia, the Western narrative was not accepted by the entire world community.

Moreover, a large number of countries share the Russian truth and see the source of instability in the West.

It is very significant that the material is illustrated by a cartoon in which the Russian president is allegedly in a uniform close to the Soviet model, with a drain in his hands.

He's trying to split the globe in half.

The fault line runs from Russia along the Mediterranean Sea, out into the Atlantic and separates South America from North America.

Hence the headline: “Putin wins?

The world order is changing in his favor.”

If Putin's victory is still in doubt, then the British publication has no doubts about the change in the world order.

And this means the collapse of the utopia of a single human civilization, adjusted to common standards and controlled from a single center, which is called upon to maintain order, as he understands it.

The article is curious in the aspect that it is written in full accordance with the standards of Western exclusivity and in the matrix of its own greatness.

Which is akin to religious faith.

The American world appears as an absolute given.

What Russia is doing is interpreted in the format of insanity.

Hence the caricature image of a broken globe with a frightening blackness of the fault.

"Putin's Russia makes bold claims," ​​the author of the article laments.

One recalls the recent words of the head of the CIA about the "impudent" behavior of Naryshkin.

The Russian audacity lies in the fact that it not only launched a preventive special operation in Ukraine, but also refused to obey and challenged the unipolar world that had been formed after the collapse of the USSR.

So the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the United States is no longer the world's gendarme, capable of imposing its will on countries by any means.

This is because Russia has led the global resistance and allegedly plays on contradictions and discontent, because "Putin is a master of inciting anti-American sentiment."

It turns out that Russia has become the leader of a new anti-colonial movement.

Declaring that it is not going to be a colony of the West, and Russophobia is identical to racism, she began to gather "an alliance of peoples who feel like victims of Western imperialism."

Thus, many African countries, despite the colossal Western pressure, did not condemn Russia.

Russia's positions are strong in most of Asia, Central and South America.

Strengthening cooperation with China.

India refuses to accept the Western interpretation of current events.

All this is written by an Oxford professor.

It is clear that “Putin's intrigues” are to blame for everything, and not the peculiarities of Western politics, where there is no stake on equality, but only on robbing and suppressing any discontent.

Apparently, this is perceived as a natural process: the predator wants to eat.

“Moscow positions itself as a bulwark of stability in a world that has gone mad, even as it seeks to destabilize the world and make it even crazier,” the author of the article writes.

Madness is known for what it consists of - in anti-American sentiments, which, of course, are fueled exclusively by malicious Russian intent.

But even the article in The Spectator, written in the matrix of Western exceptionalism and American-centricity, points to the source of the problem.

And it is that the current resistance movement, led by Russia, sees America and its allies as "a source of global upheaval and instability."

And it's not just about NATO expansion.

The professor writes about behavior during the pandemic, when “Western countries bought stocks of vaccines – far more than they needed – and then refused to release drug patents.”

Which led to price gouging and higher death rates.

Business and only business...

However, the West uses the well-known grain deal in exactly the same way, when most of the grain does not go to the needy and starving at all, but increases its own well-being.

What was the Russian President talking about last year?

And, pray tell, how after all this, for example, African countries should perceive what is happening?

They resist even when their arms are literally twisted, because they understand that it is also about their survival.

But the West, based on its optics, sees problems only in Russia.

“In a very real sense, the war served as the moment of one of the greatest transfers of wealth in history, when energy-rich states received huge monetary bonuses, which, in turn, further accelerated the change in the world order,” Professor Peter Frankopan concludes his article.

Actually, almost from the very beginning of the conflict, for example, the Hungarian authorities have been talking about this.

And they name the States as the main beneficiary, which are profiting by driving Europe into problems and tying it with their power and arbitrariness.

It turns out that they themselves are destroying their own unipolar order for the sake of banal self-interest, striving to cash in at any cost, even on each other?

But such a narrative is not being investigated, because it would be Russian propaganda and play into the hands of Putin...

However, this is just the kind of story when they expose themselves.

Now Europe is just beginning to sip all the delights of American hegemony.

The exceptional Western machine is so arranged that, as soon as it loses leverage over countries perceived as a food base, it begins to devour itself.

Turning the same Old World into a semblance of what it took for centuries, for example, the African continent.

And one more important aspect should be noted: when you read such orthodox reasoning from the Western matrix, you understand that they do not know Russia at all and live in stereotypes about it.

Which can lead to fatal consequences for the same West, because it is not Putin who is splitting the planet into pieces, but they themselves have begun, rolling up their sleeves, for such a thing.

However, when something could learn about Russia?

For decades they fought the Union, inspiring themselves with the red threat.

Then they hammered into their heads the dogma of their victory in the Cold War.

From the heights of the "winners" they looked at our country, they wanted to "defeat" it further, and also to relish the fruits of the "victory".

They warmed the hysterics and crooks, who endlessly begged for something in exchange for bad news from Russia, warming the souls of Western politicians.

And so they created around themselves a cocoon of a very specific perception of reality.

And they did not want to know anything, they only dreamed of robbing.

Therefore, they behave in the spirit of their own tradition: arm-twisting, intimidation, blackmail and lies.

For this, they needed a pirate Ukrainian raid, which began with the mass burning of people.

And now it is strange, yes, that many countries do not take the side of the Western coalition and behave insolently, do not do what they are told? ..

The world is not splitting at all, but is fighting for existence in the face of the threat of Western exclusivity, which has reached clinical proportions.

And what is the Western coalition itself?

Simply fear and awe, for the most part, renounced the sovereignty of the occupied countries.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.