March 3rd is the "National Ear Care Day". This year's theme is "Scientific Love and Ear Protection, Realizing Active Health".

After children's hearing is impaired, there will be developmental delays, language dysfunction and other problems.

According to experts, in children, more than half of the hearing loss can be avoided and prevented.

  After passing the newborn hearing screening, hearing loss will also occur when growing up

  With the popularization of newborn hearing screening in my country, the diagnosis time of congenital hearing loss has been advanced to within 6 months.

However, there are still many children with normal hearing at birth, who develop hearing impairment due to genetic factors, ear infections, virus infections, noise exposure, etc. during their growth, also known as "delayed hearing impairment".

"Delayed hearing impairment" is highly hidden, especially for infants who cannot speak, and it is even more difficult to be discovered, which often leads to children failing to receive effective treatment and hearing intervention in the first place.

Ni Xin, Chairman of the Pediatric Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association:

The child's overall language development is relatively slow, so he may be hard of hearing. Where there are some sounds, he reacts very slowly. That is to say, after we make a sound, It is the same as if the child did not hear it, so it should also attract the attention of the parents.

For example, when watching TV, he tends to tilt his head. First, because he may have some squinted eyesight, he may not be able to hear in one ear, so he tilts his head to watch the TV.

Our parents must pay close attention to it. If necessary, we can take the child to various medical institutions to check whether the hearing has been damaged.

  Whether hearing loss is reversible depends on the type of damage.

Generally speaking, most of the hearing loss caused by otitis media and traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane can be recovered with timely treatment; for blast deafness or sudden deafness, the degree of hearing loss is relatively mild or the treatment is timely, and some people's hearing loss It can also be recovered, but if the damage is heavy or the best time for treatment is missed, it may not be fully recovered.

Ni Xin, chairman of the Pediatric Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association:

If you have such symptoms of tinnitus, or feel stuffy ears, or poor hearing, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time.

Within 72 hours, we performed vasodilation and neurotrophy, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, so the recovery of his (the child's) hearing was very good.

  Genetic factors for deafness can be reconstructed through surgery

  There are many reasons for hearing impairment in children, and congenital hearing impairment is one of the most common birth defects in humans.

Factors such as accidental injury, drug poisoning or disease may cause acquired hearing impairment.

  Most neonatal deafness is caused by genetic factors, and the emphasis is on prevention, early detection and early treatment.

According to experts, if a child is diagnosed with severe hearing impairment, he can choose to implant a cochlear implant to rebuild his hearing.

Zheng Jun, Chief Physician of Beijing Children's Hospital:

It is best for us to have surgery within one or two years of age. The effect will be particularly good. The peak period of language training is three years old, and after three years old, it will go downhill, like severe ( Hearing impairment) can never speak, you want a four or five-year-old child to undergo surgery, and sometimes his brain (the function in charge of hearing) will degenerate. After the degeneration, he will say that our (cochlear implant) machine is very good, listening His voice is also very good, and he is a little bit short of understanding.

  According to experts, hearing-impaired children can gain auditory perception and further learn language after wearing cochlear implants.

The child's learning and growth are closely related to the vocabulary before the age of 2. With the extension of wearing time, the child's vocabulary is gradually enriched, and speech comprehension and language expression are gradually strengthened.

  Children wearing headphones may damage their hearing more than adults

  Nowadays, it is very common for children to wear earphones. Compared with adults, because children's hearing system is not yet fully developed, wearing earphones at too high volume and for too long will damage their hearing, and the damage will be greater than that of adults.

  According to experts, the maximum volume of wearing headphones should not exceed 60%, the continuous listening should not exceed 60 minutes, and the external sound should not exceed 60 decibels.

Ni Xin, Chairman of the Pediatric Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association:

Headphones are an important way to prevent hearing damage.

Do not wear headphones when you are going to sleep. Finally, it is recommended that parents try to make their children wear less headphones, which can prevent children from hearing damage.

  In daily life, parents are the first person responsible for the health of their children, and they should consciously avoid exposing their children to noisy environments. When there is sudden noise, they can let their children cover their ears with their hands and open their mouths wide.

Children's toys should also pay attention to decibels, and be careful to avoid excessive sound.

(CCTV news client)