The Al-Fudul Pact took place in the month of Dhul-Qi`dah in the year 33 before the Hijrah, corresponding to 591 AD.

Between 5 tribes of Quraysh, with the aim of preserving rights, supporting the oppressed and redressing grievances.

And the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, attended it with his paternal uncles, and said about it after the mission, “If he was called upon in Islam, I would have answered.”

Origin and establishment

Hilf al-Fudul was established in the month of Dhu al-Qi`dah in the year 33 before the Hijrah / 591 AD, 4 months after the "War of the Immoral" that took place in the Okaz market in the month of Rajab between the Quraysh and with them Kinana and Qais Ailan.

5 tribes from Quraysh fell into an alliance, namely: Banu Hashim, Banu al-Muttalib, Asad bin Abd al-Uzza, Zahra bin Kilab, Taym bin Murra, and one of Kinana, Banu al-Hun Adl and al-Qarah, so they gathered in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan al-Tamimi, because of his honorable position. And we are old, and they contracted and pledged that they would not find an oppressed person in Makkah except that they stood with him and were against those who wronged him until his injustice was repaid.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, witnessed the oath before the mission, and he said about him, “I witnessed with my paternal aunts in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan an alliance that I would like to have red camels with, and if he was called upon in Islam, I would have answered.”

And he mentioned in the reason for the oath that a man from Zabid came to Mecca with goods, and Al-Aas bin Wael Al-Sahmi bought it from him, and withheld his right from him, so the alliances antagonized him Abd al-Dar, Makhzouma, Juma, Sahm and Uday, and they did not care about him.

Oh, the men whose merchandise has been wronged in the heart of Mecca, far from home and home

And a shaggy Muharram did not spend his life, oh men, and between stone and stone

It is forbidden for the one whose honor is complete, and it is not forbidden for the treacherous garment of the immoral

Al-Zubair bin Abdul-Muttalib walked in that, and said: What is this left behind?

Until they met, they held an alliance that was known as the Al-Fudul Alliance, then they rose to Al-Aas bin Wael, and they took away Al-Zubaidi’s commodity from him, so they pushed it to him.

Al-Zubayr bin Abdul Muttalib said about this in poetry:

I swore that we would sit on them even if we were all the people of a house

We call it curiosity if we hold the stranger dear to the neighborhood

He also said:

Al-Fudul entered into an alliance and contracted that an unjust person would not reside in the heart of Makkah

He ordered them to pledge and trust, so the neighbor and the one who is in peace among them

reason of calling

He mentioned several sayings about the reason for the name, the most important of which is that 3 of the Jurhum tribe - namely: Al-Fadl bin Fadalah, Al-Fadl bin Wada’a, and Al-Fadl bin Al-Harith - held an analogous agreement to this treaty, so when the act of the Quraishites resembled the act of the first Jerhamians, all of them named Al-Fadl, the alliance was called Hilf Al-Fudul.

It is said that the reason for the naming is that Quraysh said, "These people have entered into a bountiful matter," so it was called Hilf al-Fudul.

And it was said otherwise.

Alliance principles

Al-Fudul is based on supporting the oppressed and restoring rights to its people. The people of Makkah, its visitors and its builders are equal in that, and deterring the oppressor until he returns from his oppression. The honorable and the lowly are equal in that.

Al-Zubayr bin Abd al-Muttalib al-Hashemi al-Qurashi called for an alliance, so the stomachs of Quraysh and Kinana gathered in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan al-Taymi al-Qurashi, so he made food for them, so they allied and contracted and pledged to God:

  • To be one hand with the oppressed against the oppressor.

  • And not to find an oppressed person in Makkah, whether from its people or from others, except that they stand with him until his grievance is returned to him.

  • Condolences in retirement.

Flags and symbols

The first to call for an alliance was Al-Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf Al-Qurashi.

It was attended by (his nephew) Muhammad bin Abdullah, may God bless him and grant him peace, before his mission and he was 20 years old at the time.

The meeting was held in the house of Abdullah bin Jadaan al-Tamimi, and was attended by representatives of 5 of the tribes of Quraish: Hashim, al-Muttalib, Zahra, Asad and Taym, and representatives from Kinana.

The logo of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at Wilson Palace in Geneva (Reuters)

Hilf al-Fudul after the mission

The effects of this alliance extended beyond the emergence of Islam. Ibn Ishaq narrated on the authority of Yazid bin Abdullah bin Osama bin Al-Hadi Al-Laithi that Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Al-Harith Al-Taymi told him that it was between Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib and Al-Walid bin Utbah bin Abi Sufyan. And Al-Waleed at that time was the governor of Medina, who was commanded by his uncle, Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, in a dispute over money that was between them in Dhu Al-Marwah.

Al-Walid was prejudiced against Al-Hussein in his right to his power, so Al-Hussein said to him: I swear by God that you will do justice to me from my right or I will take my sword, then I will stand in the mosque of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and then I will pray for the oath of curiosity. Al-Hussein did not say, and I swear by God that if he calls for it, I will take my sword, then I will stand up with him until he is justified in his right, or we all die.

He said: It reached Al-Miswar bin Makhramah bin Nawfal Al-Zuhri, and he said the same.

It reached Abd al-Rahman ibn Uthman ibn Ubayd Allah al-Taymi, and he said the same.

When this reached Al-Walid bin Utbah, Al-Hussein gave him his right until he was satisfied.

Alliance of curiosity in the corridors of the United Nations

It is worth mentioning in this regard that the thinker "George Jabbour" continued to address the United Nations and a number of international human rights organizations, until the Hilf al-Fudul was recognized in 2007, as reference was made to it in a statement issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, after it was one of the sources of the universal idea of ​​human rights.

Such a reference has its important implications, as it means that the Arabs approached the idea of ​​human rights more than 1400 years ago, and they have their cultural and civilizational tributary.