February 22nd is known as "Cat's Day" with the words "nyan-nyan-nyan".

At the library in Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture, where books related to cats were collected, an event was held to reappoint the "cat director" who is the face of the library.

On February 22, 6 years ago, the Isawa Library in Oshu City opened the "Cat Library", a collection of books related to cats.

The collection, which was about 500 when it opened, has now quadrupled to more than 2,000.

The director of the museum is 7-year-old Mugi, a male British Shorthair.

“Mugi”, who attended the appointment ceremony, received the appointment while looking curiously at the gathered people in the arms of her owner, Ayako Kikuchi.

Mr. Kikuchi read the greetings on his behalf and said, "I will continue to promote and work to be loved by many people, so please support me."

In addition to exhibiting photos of cats, there is also an omikuji corner where you can receive goods related to the "Neko Kancho".

Takako Watanabe, the secretary of "Neko Kancho" and the librarian of Isawa Library, said, "I want to continue to be a library that is loved, so I want to support "Mugi Kancho" while taking care of his body." .