Open "Quan Song Ci", you will find that there are many "Man Jiang Hong".

"Man Jianghong" in the movie was written by Yue Fei based on the Ci Pai.

So, how did the word card come about?

What is the meaning of the phrase "Manjianghong"?

  Cipai is the name of the libretto format of Yuefu or Jiaofang.

In ancient times, both verses and words were sung with music, but verses only have four formats, which are easy to understand and distinguish, but words are different. There are more than a thousand formats of words, which are very troublesome for both singing and recording, so these formats are given Names were taken respectively, that is, Ci Pai.

Each word card represents a fixed piece of music.

  Cipai are not named randomly, one is named according to the name of the music, such as "Bodhisattva Man".

At the initial stage when Jiaofang Ci began to take shape, there were female barbarians who came to the Tang Dynasty to pay tribute. The women of these female barbarians were very different from the Han people. They wore high buns and golden crowns. They were noble and elegant, and their appearance was very similar to the Bodhisattva in the portrait , so Jiaofang wrote a new song "Bodhisattva Man", which gradually formed a fixed lyrics; the second is to extract a few words from famous words, such as "Like a Dream", which is a Jiaofang song written by Emperor Zhuangzong of Tang Dynasty. There are sentences such as Rumeng and Rumeng in the words, which form the Cipai of "Rumeng Ling"; there is also a case where the name is named according to the meaning of the word, such as "Manjianghong", this Cipai comes from a poem in "Mingyinlu". The name of the song was originally called "Shangjianghong", and "shang" means full. It is said that it describes a scene of red aquatic plants covering the river surface, so it is also called "Manjianghong"; there is another type of lyrics from a story, such as "A Dendrobium Pearl" tells the story of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty who was disturbed by Concubine Yang's neglect of Concubine Mei, so he sent someone to send Concubine Mei a Dendrobium pearl.

Concubine Mei was heartbroken and returned all the pearls. Xuanzong wrote "Yi Dendrobium Pearl" and sang it with emotion. Later, "Yi Dendrobium Pearl" formed a fixed lyrics.

  The Song Dynasty was the peak period of ci, but a large part of the ci cards in the Song Dynasty continued from the Jiaofang in the Tang Dynasty, so the lyricists in the Song Dynasty actually wrote lyrics, that is, they filled in a poem according to a fixed ci card and music, with a fixed format and rhythm. Do not exceed the norm.

  Song Ci is divided into three categories, one is Xiaoling, which are relatively short words; the other is middle tone, with a large number of characters, ranging from fifty-nine to ninety-nine characters; the third category is long tone, with more than ninety-one characters.

  "Manjianghong" is a long tune.

  In addition to the original version (sample) of Ci Pai, Ci Pai and the meaning of the words can be completely irrelevant in the process of dissemination. For example, "Recalling Jiangnan" does not need to refer to Jiangnan at all, and "Man Jiang Hong" does not mean that the river is covered with red water plants.

  Filling in lyrics is not only to express feelings, freehand or narrate in a fixed lyric board, but also to be able to sing in harmony with the rhythm.

In "On Ci", Li Qingzhao emphasized the importance of matching the lyrics with the corresponding tune and singing, and systematically expounded the standard of excellent lyrics—that is, harmonious rhythm, elegant words, and good intentions.

  From Tangjiaofang to Song Dynasty, after many years of precipitation, the peak of Ci was expected, and everyone came out frequently. For example, Liu Yong changed the old voice of Yuefu into a new voice and began to fill in "Manjianghong".

However, Li Qingzhao, the authoritative spokesman for Song Ci of the Wanyue School of Ci, believes that although Liu Yong's Ci is quite suitable for the rhythm, the words are unbearably vulgar.

The words of Zhang Xian, Song Qi, Yuan Jiang and others are good, but the whole article is not good.

Then there are people like Yan Shu, Ouyang Xiu, and Su Shi, who are famous all over the world and rich in learning, but their words do not have rhythm... because the words have to be divided into five tones (Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu), and then divided into five tones, six rhythms, and so on. It is necessary to distinguish the clearness, turbidity, lightness and heavyness of the pronunciation.

  Li Qingzhao criticized all the great poets of the Song Dynasty by name, but no one raised any objections, because what she said was right, words must first be consonant to be considered a standard.

  But Yue Fei's "Manjianghong" is an exception.

  According to Li Qingzhao's standard, Yue Fei's "Manjianghong" is based on the "Imperial Lexicon", and the word "Jing" should use a flat tone, so the word "Jing" has a rhyme.

  After the shame of Jingkang, the famous anti-golden general Yue Fei, who was constrained by treacherous ministers, roared in "Man Jianghong": he was furious, leaning on the railing, resting in the rain.

Lift our sight, the sky and shouts, grand, vehement.

Thirty fame and dust, eight thousand miles of road, cloud and moon.

Don't wait, the boy's head is white, empty and sad!

Jingkang's shame is still unresolved.

When will the hatred of the courtiers be destroyed!

Drive a long car and step through the gap in Helan Mountain.

The aspirations eat the meat of the Hulu hungry, and laugh and talk about drinking the blood of the Huns when they are thirsty.

Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que.

  He wants to go to the battlefield, rescue the two emperors, kill the golden soldiers, save the people from the fire and water, and regain the lost land!

  Jingkang is a specific year name, which is irreplaceable, so Yue Fei's "Manjianghong" is tragic in momentum and inspiring in meaning. Even if there is a little rhyme in rhythm, it does not affect its quality The whole story is turbulent and impassioned.

  Yue Fei's "Manjianghong" is not strictly filled in according to the level and rhythm, but it has become a milestone.

There are so many songs in the Song Dynasty, and everyone comes out frequently, but Yue Fei's "Manjianghong" stands out and has become a classic recited in the past dynasties and a famous patriotic poem.

  The reason why Yue Fei's "Man Jianghong" has been popular for thousands of years is not because of its strict rhyme and harmonious rhythm, but because of the patriotism flowing in the nation when a general roared to save the country in a special period.

This poem inspired the later generations to remember the history and keep their original intentions alive.

  Text/Moon Man Tianxin