The situation with the terrorist bombings of the Nord Streams is good because no conspiracy is needed here.

A simple knowledge of American political realities is enough.

The main question that arose after reading Seymour Hersh's first material was not how true the information was.

Hersh is too big a figure, and not only in journalism, to, despite his age (although his physical form is excellent, especially when compared with Biden), to voice not so much fiction, but even poorly verified facts.

The main question is whether the leak about the direct participation of the United States in the terrorist attack in the Baltic is the work of a lone truth-teller, or is there an organized group behind which stands not only the security forces, who are afraid to once again be "extreme", but also serious elite groups that are not ready to recklessly to follow a course towards a direct military clash with Russia.

Geopolitically and economically, this group is ready to deplete and suffocate Russia, and even more so Europe.

But risk being drawn into a wide-ranging conflict with Russia?


This, by the way, would mean that Moscow's warnings still reach someone in the United States.

The answer to this question has been received: new facts have appeared, clearly coming from new sources, and an alternative channel for leaking information in case Hersh starts to “give up”.

Nothing new - there were many precedents for "elite conspiracies" using the media.

From the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who was seen as too weak by much of the elite, through the Pentagon papers leak in 1971, to the Watergate scandal that purposefully destroyed the Richard Nixon administration, which was considered too strong.

Here is the scandal "Iran-Contra", in many ways - "kurtosis of performers."

But it also reflected disagreements about how to crush the USSR: by the same soft methods, or decisively break the will of the Kremlin, without exchanging sidelines.

As we remember, the second line won.

Such events do not necessarily indicate deep schisms.

Rather, situations like the "Hersh incident" reflect contradictions about how to solve the main problems of the United States and lobbying interests.

And almost always, the American military played a significant role, even participating in the Watergate scandal.

This is to the question of "the American army is out of politics."

The current situation is interesting in place and time.

In terms of time, everything is quite obvious: the situation was clearly rigged up for the visit of the US President to Europe.

On the one hand, an overlord arrives in Poland (Europe), who has proved that he can do whatever he wants on the territory under his mandate, with what (yet not “with whom”, and thanks for that) he wants and when he wants.

And the emphasis on this status will be important for any configuration of the American elite, for any president.

On the other hand, US President Joe Biden arrives in Europe, whose political fate is no longer in his hands.

And the European elites are given a subtle allusion to thick circumstances: how much are the assurances and obligations of this person and is it not time to look for new patrons in Washington, since Europe has lost its independence mediocrely?

All of today's European elites are rigidly oriented specifically towards the Democratic Party,

Locally, the situation is more multi-layered.

On the one hand, information is thrown not in Europe, but in the USA.

This reflects a statement of the totalitarian nature of the European media space, where anyone can be silenced and where even the most serious people representing the most important economic and political interests prefer to remain silent.

In the United States, against the background of the growing war of the Washington “warring states”, it is still impossible to completely silence unfavorable information.

And it seems that the scale of opportunities for promoting alternative "Beldom" propaganda of information will increase.

It is also interesting that attention is focused on the role of the German leadership.

No, the organizers of the "Hersh incident" do not need an independent Germany.

But the transformation of the German ruling elite into a branch of the US Democratic Party in the context of the crisis of the Democratic Party itself is fraught against the backdrop of socio-economic problems of Germany falling into a tailspin of right-wing and left-wing extremism.

A completely faceless chancellor and a hysterical camarilla around him are unlikely to keep the situation.

It seems that the United States clearly realized the danger of modern Germany as a "weak link" of American policy in modern Europe.

Over time, this is compensated by the strengthening of Poland, but now, it seems, we should expect a "staffing" of the German leadership.

After all, if it turns out that Chancellor Scholz knew and, therefore, actually approved the destruction of the most important energy infrastructure facility for Germany, then it will be impossible for a German layman to explain that “this was necessary for partnership with the United States”, even with today's level of suppression of freedom of speech.

But inside, the American aspect is also important.

It's not that Biden ordered the pipelines to Germany to be blown up.

It's just normal.

But the “collective Biden”, having done this without reaching agreement with the entire elite, put America on the brink of war with Russia.

Impeachment, of course, does not smell here, but the idea that the current American administration is more concerned about European affairs than the future of the United States simply could not help but visit many smart heads in the United States.

And what is allowed to Annalena Burbock (to say that she is not interested in the opinion of her German voters) is categorically unacceptable for an American politician.

That is why the United States, and not Germany, is the only superpower in the modern West.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.