They say that nature rests on the children of geniuses.

I would like to develop and supplement this topic.

Sometimes nature is especially cruel to the grandchildren of geniuses.

And here is an example of such an unlucky grandson: Gabrielius Landsbergis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania and concurrently the grandson of the first leader of post-Soviet Lithuania, Vytautas Landsbergis.

I’ll immediately make an important clarification: I do not in any way consider Landsbergis Sr. a genius.

But he was (and remains) a politician, able to express and justify his point of view, without turning into a character in humorous comics.

But you can’t say the same about his grandson, the minister.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis at a press conference in Riga: “There is little point left in keeping the Russian ambassador in any of the European capitals.

In most cases, this is no longer a diplomatic institution, but an institution of propaganda.”

You can't blame a predator for being a predator.

You cannot blame the enemy for being your enemy.

In this regard, I will refrain from criticizing Gabrielius Landsbergis for taking a pronounced anti-Russian position.

This is not his personal choice, but the choice of the entire Lithuanian (and not only Lithuanian) political class.

But it is possible, even being an enemy, to remain a professional.

Here is the reaction of the Estonian ambassador to Moscow, Margus Laidre, to the downgrading of diplomatic relations between the two countries: “This is certainly a blow, because the ambassador, by virtue of his position, has much greater access to sources of information than lower-level diplomats ... That aspect of the traditional diplomacy, which is that you are there, that you breathe the same air, drink the same water in the society in which you work, nothing can replace.

For the sake of curiosity, I got acquainted with other statements by Margus Laidre.

And I can report to you: in terms of his anti-Russian attitude, he is not far behind Gabrielius Landsbergis.

But here is the difference between these two figures: the Estonian ambassador (or it would be more correct - a former Estonian ambassador at five minutes) understands the meaning of diplomacy and why diplomatic missions in foreign countries are needed.

But Landsbergis-grandson, despite his status as the highest head of Lithuanian diplomacy, does not seem to understand this from the word at all.

Another statement by Margus Laidre, cited by the Estonian portal ERR: “We can say that in today's information society you can learn a lot about what is happening in a particular place, being at a distance of 1 thousand km from this place.”

However, as the Estonian ambassador, who leaves the Russian capital with frank reluctance, notes, real aces of diplomacy do not do this: “Many EU and NATO countries send here (to Moscow. -


) new ambassador.

Why, you ask, are they sent?

Not in order to support Russia, of course (this wording was intended as a joke, and usually I like my own jokes, but not this time).

New ambassadors from leading NATO countries are coming to Moscow, in the words of Ambassador Laidre, to "have the highest possible diplomatic representation to follow what is happening on the ground and collect information."

Of course, collecting information on the spot is only part of the ambassador's duties.

Another, even more important part of these duties is to maintain in working condition the channels of communication between his government and the government of the country in which he is accredited.

An official press release from the US Embassy in Moscow, issued earlier this week: “Today, US Ambassador to the Russian Federation Lynn Tracy and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov met at the Russian Foreign Ministry.

President Joe Biden announced the appointment of Lynn Tracy as U.S. Ambassador to Russia on September 20, 2022.

Her candidacy was confirmed by the US Senate on December 21, 2022, and she was sworn in on January 9, 2023.

Ambassador Tracy became the first woman to serve as US Ambassador to the Russian Federation.

Ambassador Tracy begins her work in Moscow with a focus on maintaining dialogue between our capitals at a time of unprecedented tension... Ambassador Tracy also intends to maintain long-term ties between the American and Russian peoples.”

If you follow the logic of Minister Landsbergis, then the event described above should not have taken place.

After all, if there is no point in “after Russia in any of the European capitals,” then there is no point in European ambassadors in the Russian capital.

Why is America worse than Europe?

Please forgive me for asking this, from the point of view of Landsbergis the grandson, a deeply seditious question.

In the system of coordinates in which the Lithuanian minister operates, America cannot be worse than Europe.

America for the official Vilnius is a guiding star, a country to be guided by and to be obeyed unquestioningly.

I used too many words when I could have used only two - "big brother"?

There is such.

But here's the catch.

In such political partnerships, the younger brother usually wants to behave exactly like his older relative.

Why, then, in this case, the younger brother occupies a special position?

I think that the point here is this: deep down, Landsbergis Jr. considers himself not quite a real foreign minister.

Like, let the adult uncles play their adult games, and in the meantime I will play my rattles.

What else can the minister do from the game room?

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.