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"Die young but as late as possible," said anthropologist Ashley Montagu.

How to

slow down aging

in the best way?

For coach

Liz Hilliard

(Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, January 20, 1954) there is no other secret than

physical activity


"Movement is the key to longevity and

it's never too late

to start," says this coach who has just blown out the 69 candles.

She feels that her body is stronger than ever.

And she in sight she is she.

"I'm in better shape today than when I was 30."

Life expectancy, close to 80 years in developed countries, does not tell us about the quality of life.

And exercise can be the best medicine, says this instructor.

A revulsive for the disease.

"I firmly believe, and science has proven this, that moving the body at any age is essential not only for physical health, but also for

mental and emotional health

. Even a moderate walk of at least 20 minutes a day will mark the difference," he recommends.

Liz Hilliard, giving one of her sessions, which are successful among the female audience. Photos courtesy of Liz Hilliard


The American, widely followed on social networks such as Instagram or TikTok, has designed her own method, the Hilliard Studio Method, a combination of yoga, Pilates and resistance exercises.

Increasingly in demand as a speaker, she co-authored a podcast with Lee Kennelly,

Be Powerful with Liz & Lee

, and has written the book

Be Powerful: Find Your Strength at Any Age,

where she encourages empowerment at any age through

coaching .

of strength


"I started my career in the world of fitness as a certified instructor in 2007."

She trained in Pilates, she says, but her goal was to create an even "more challenging" or challenging workout that was results-oriented but fun, that "changes the body efficiently, safely, and effectively, with

quick, long-lasting

results. " .

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Because if something is difficult for a person who does not train, it is

to generate that desired adherence

that, whoever finds it, does not let go.

When you stop seeing training as an obligation to become a lifestyle.

According to Hilliard, there are two ways to get to it.

First, find that activity that you are really "

passionate about

and stick with it."

Later, a companion in adventures, "so that they both take responsibility."


friend or partner

who encourages you and with whom it is impossible to fall asleep if you have a date to run.

"The perfect combination of physical and mental support you need."

There are no excuses.

"Whatever you do, keep moving. Even if it's walking together," she insists.

His health parameters are comparable to those of many athletes.

Through his training in Pilates, Hilliard developed a competitive advantage in this mind-body training method that focuses on control and we owe to the German Joseph Hubertus Pilates, hence the name.

But the instructor, a champion of strength, wanted to incorporate free weights, sliding discs, medicine balls and resistance bands to help her clients work more on that section.

"They were getting


they had never experienced before."

Very positive changes, she slides, not only on a physical level, but in her way of being, much more confident once they crossed the door of her studio.

"Strength empowers women and men to be the best version of themselves and find

joy in life

at any age and in any stage of life."


Physically fit at 69, Hilliard aims to help many people find their best self.

She is the best example.

She practices her own method four to five times a week and walks or bikes to the center on the days she doesn't train.

A combination with which she has better physical data than in her thirties.


body fat percentage is 12%

without doing traditional cardio."

To get an idea, women are in a normal range between 20 and 24%.

And just in case: "My VO2 max, an indicator of general health based on cardiorespiratory fitness, is just behind that of


soccer players here in Charlotte," she explains.

A typical day for the trainer starts with her

black coffee protein shake


He adds 27 grams, clarifies, and sells the protein powders in his own sports center, to ensure that they contain multiple phytonutrients (plant-based substances with great health benefits for our body), vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

"It's delicious and

satisfies me, as well as setting me up for success

the rest of the day, balancing my blood sugar and keeping me energized, ready to exercise and handle anything," she says with amusement.

At 8:00 in the morning she trains and then has meetings or classes that she teaches herself.

Proteins, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats like avocado or salmon are part of your diet.

"A good day is when I have time to walk in nature alone with my dog ​​or my partner Lee [with whom he shares the podcast and works in the studio]."

If you feel hungry, have a healthy snack that incorporates protein and legumes, since nutrition is very important in your lifestyle.

"Eggs boiled with lentils or fresh fruits and vegetables."

Her favorite royal food is a fresh

green salad

with a healthy protein like


In the afternoon it is Lee Kennelly who cooks.

"Incredibly healthy," he says, although he indulges in his great pleasure: preparing dinner

with a glass of wine


It's his only whim.

"I only enjoy desserts very occasionally. A special day or a celebration. I avoid taking sugars, beyond those naturally present in fruits. Sugar is one of the most addictive substances on earth and there is an obvious correlation between its consumption and diseases such as diabetes.

The trainer sports an enviable physique, with toned arms and a marked 'core'.

Anyone who wants to reach 70 in the best shape of their lives already has Liz Hilliard's recipe and constancy for inspiration:

training, good nutrition and mental attitude.

Her classes are available


for about 25 euros (first week free), for only 10 minutes an hour, and with two weekly live sessions.

And one last piece of advice: "If you can only change one thing in your diet to achieve longevity and good health, cut your sugar intake in half, then work to reduce it completely, and you may eventually find that it no longer has no control over you and you feel energized and healthier than ever.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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