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As soon as the thermometers plummet and the jackdaw flies low, the cold becomes part of the daily conversations in the elevator.

Who more and who less takes a good coat out of the closet, his wool sweater, gloves and scarf to face him;

but although mercury marks the same figure for everyone, not all people carry it in the same way.

We all know someone who claims to freeze to death

and has frozen hands or feet when in reality we think it's not such a big deal.

If you are a cold person and you don't quite know why, science may have an explanation for you:

a health problem could be the cause


Thyroid gland problems

If we consulted any medical manual, we would see that among the most characteristic symptoms of

hypothyroidism is increased sensitivity to cold


In this health problem, the thyroid gland is not capable of producing a sufficient quantity of certain hormones, but it is something that we notice little by little and not from one day to the next.

In the early stages of hypothyroidism, the symptoms go practically unnoticed, and you may feel some fatigue or a slight weight gain that initially we usually attribute to any other cause.


with the passage of time,

even years, is when

we begin to feel that something is not right


Generally at the moment when symptoms such as

intolerance to cold, muscle weakness, drowsiness

, significant weight gain or depression appear, is when we usually go to the specialist and when this hypoactive thyroid is discovered.



health problem has multiple causes

and types, but when the symptoms appear, they usually include

always having cold hands and feet


Something that would be normal when the thermometer does not go up to one digit, but that is maintained even hours after arriving at the office where the mercury is close to twenty degrees.

A simple blood test will suffice to leave doubts.

So if this problem of always having cold hands and feet is compounded by other symptoms such as

fatigue, pale skin, dizziness or frequent headaches

, you should get checked out.

Circulation problems

Blood travels through every corner of our body thanks to an enormous network of veins, capillaries and arteries that, lined up, could go around the world two and a half times.

But what happens when the arteries that should carry blood have narrowed on the inside?

Well, it doesn't arrive as much as it should, we have peripheral arterial disease.

It is

as if we are trying to pass water through a half-clogged pipe

, apparently our arteries are fine, but fat deposits have accumulated inside that do not allow the smooth flow of blood.

This is something that

can happen in the arms and legs

, but it is much more common in the latter and one of the main symptoms is having one or both cold feet, even when the temperature is not very low.

If we

add to this the loss of hair on the legs, cramps

, the feeling that they have fallen asleep or changes in skin color, make an appointment.

Raynaud's disease

It could be included

in circulation problems

, and this disease is due to a

spasm in the small arteries that supply the fingers


So much so that the appearance of the affected fingers changes completely, becoming completely white.

The cause is usually environmental cold or stress

, and as soon as the causative agent stops, the affected area gradually recovers its previous appearance but causes intense pain for a few minutes.

blood pressure problems

Although it is not very common, low blood pressure or hypotension could be behind that feeling of constant cold.

It is considered that the tension is low

if we have less than 90mm Hg of maximum or systolic and less than 60mm Hg of minimum or diastolic


Often these blood pressure figures are also accompanied by dizziness or even fainting.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Saturated Nurse

  • Diseases

  • Cardiology