• MomenTVs El Hormiguero |

    Anne Igartiburu and her open secret

Anne Igartiburu

returns to television after her high-profile dismissal from RTVE's Campanadas.

Next Wednesday, February 8, the Basque presenter will return to


thanks to


, the producer of the

10 Momentos

program , which received the Iris Award from the Television Academy for the Best Autonomous Program 2022, the chain reported in a statement.

In this second season,

Anne Igartiburu

will review in ten powerful television images the best moments of

Paz Padilla


Julio Iglesias Jr.




Josema Yuste


Marta Sánchez


Santiago Segura


Shaila Dúrcal


Juanma Castaño




10 Moments

reviews the life of each protagonist in ten sequences.

The choice of those moments is key and the success of the format resides in it.

The viewer sees these characters in a different way, and better understands why and for what they have made the decisions they have made, explains the chain, which highlights the feeling of intimacy that is created on set during the interview with

Anne Igartiburu


According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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