• An association that fights against sectarian aberrations denounces the sharp increase in complaints against pseudo-therapists.

  • According to the regional manager, in Hauts-de-France, several pseudo-therapies are progressing, such as “access bar”, “school grief” or “total biology”.

  • The government mission "Miviludes" notes, throughout France, 4,000 reports in 2022, which represents a 37% increase compared to 2021.

He hunts the “self-proclaimed therapists”.

Christian Cabus is the Hauts-de-France regional correspondent of the Gemppi (Study group of thought movements for the protection of the individual), an association which fights against sectarian aberrations, particularly in new therapies.

The Gemppi, in conjunction with the government observatory Miviludes, tries to prevent possible scams.

20 Minutes

questioned Christian Cabus on the subject.

How do you make the general public aware of sectarian aberrations?

Our association is responsible for informing, raising awareness and warning the general public, thanks in particular to our website.

In addition, we support certain victims of scams on a legal and health level.

The excesses that have been most frequent since the Covid-19 crisis concern self-proclaimed therapists who say they can help the sick by producing fanciful diplomas.

This category attracts various gurus, charlatans and scammers.

What are the new methods of these charlatans?

First of all, you should know that the whole of France is affected by sectarian aberrations.

Nothing prohibits an individual from appearing as a therapist, but there is no proof of the medical effectiveness of these pseudo-practitioners.

For example, some claim to be able to cure cancer.

In the North, we spotted nine who practice total biology, also called the new Germanic method.

This highly controversial approach claims that all diseases can be cured through thought and will.

Are there others?

One of the new pseudo-therapies is called “Access Bars”.

She offers to get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

It's a business: for a one-hour session, it can cost you between 50 and 60 euros.

Another method that is rampant in the metropolis of Lille is a training institute called "Le chagrin scolaire", which claims to solve the problems of school bullying.

There are also quite a few complaints these days about questionable kundalini yoga practices.

We are worried to observe an increase in this phenomenon: more and more firms of this type are being created in the region.

Why do you think the increase is so strong?

Since Covid-19, the population has had strong fears of the disease.

This crisis linked to the pandemic has caused an increase in recourse among self-proclaimed therapists.

However, these people promise the cure, which is not the case of the official doctors who, them, just try to look after you.

Miviludes notes 4,000 reports in 2022, which represents a 37% increase compared to 2021.

#LeSaviezVous LOPMI law ➡ better fight against sectarian drift: 7 years imprisonment and 1 million € fine for anyone acting in an organized gang and exploiting the psychological or physical subjection of people who participate in these activities.


— Miviludes (@Miviludes_Gouv) January 25, 2023

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How can these pseudo-therapists be held responsible for quackery?

In France, there is the About-Picard law.

Article 223-15-2 strengthens the prevention and repression of sectarian movements that infringe human rights and fundamental freedoms by extending the liability of legal persons.

But it remains very difficult to prove the guilt of the suspects in court.

The term “sect” is not recognized by the courts, we have to use the term “sectarian aberrations”.

The starting point is often a complaint for rape or money matters.

But most of the time, people don't dare testify because they are ashamed of having been fooled.


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  • Company

  • Sect

  • Medicine

  • Health

  • Scam

  • Lille

  • Hauts-de-France