Study.. A blood pressure drug that slows down aging and prolongs life

A new study finds that a widely available drug used to treat high blood pressure may extend life and slow aging without side effects.

This came as a result of an experiment in which the organizers dispensed with mice, and replaced them with worms.

The results, which were published on the "Aegean Cell" website, showed that relmenidine slows down aging, and has an effect that can help achieve this in humans.

The site also indicated that the drug was chosen because it was shown in previous research that it mimics the effects of calorie restriction in the body, which prolonged life in many animal models.

In a series of tests conducted by an international team of researchers, worms treated with the drug lived longer and showed signs of good health.

Molecular biogerontologist Joao Pedro Magalhaes, of the University of Birmingham in the UK, also saw that the drug had been shown to extend lifespan in animals, adding: "We are now keen to explore whether relmenidine may have other clinical applications."

The researchers relied on worms called "C. elegans" because their genes are similar to human genes.

Tests showed that gene activity associated with calorie restriction could be seen in kidney and liver tissue, health benefits seen with the high blood pressure medication many people already take.

This particular chemical structure of the drug could also be used in future attempts to improve lifespan and slow aging.

It is noteworthy that the importance of the drug lies in the fact that it gives the same benefits of following a low-calorie diet without side effects such as hair thinning, dizziness, and osteoporosis.

According to the researchers, what makes relmenidine such a promising candidate as an anti-aging drug is that it can be taken orally, which is already widely used, and its side effects are relatively rare and mild, and include palpitations, insomnia and drowsiness in a few cases.