Before traveling, you must plan scientifically, make a strategy in advance, and try to travel at the wrong peak.

Prepare protective equipment such as masks, hand sanitizers, and disinfectant tissues.

  On the way back to your hometown, you must protect yourself. When you are in a closed environment and densely populated places, such as waiting for a plane, waiting for a bus, and when taking public transportation such as airplanes, trains, subways, and buses, you must wear masks throughout the process.

  Do a good job in personal hygiene, especially hand hygiene at all times, and try to avoid direct contact with public items.

  After returning, you should pay close attention to the health of yourself and your family members. If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, and sore throat occur, you should perform an antigen test in time or seek medical treatment as appropriate.

In the early stage of returning home, while doing a good job of symptom monitoring, minimize contact with the elderly at home and family members with serious underlying diseases.

  Source: Healthy China

  Curator: Tan Jia

  Edit: Gan Beibei

  Drawing: Park Qinying