As with every change of year, it is time to take stock of the major French public transport networks.

And if the smile is gradually returning to the operators, it is clear that most large cities have not yet regained their level of attendance of 2019, the reference year before the health crisis.

Telework, development of the bicycle, fear of epidemics, economic and cultural activity still a little slowed down, reduction in the supply of transport, increase in prices...

Willingly or by force, the habits of travelers have changed.

Some faithful even seem to have definitively turned away from the metros, trams and buses.

According to the latest Moovit report, it is in Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux and Lyon that the rate of abandonment of public transport would be the highest (from 6% to 8% of users).

Do you also not take public transport at all?

Why this choice ?

When does it date back?

What do those around you think?

Did the lifting of health restrictions make you want to go back?

What will you be doing this year?

Isn't the climate emergency an argument for giving up the car?


Nantes: Frequentation, new trams, finances… The year of all the challenges for the TAN


RATP: Towards a return to normal in the spring in the metros, buses and RER

  • Company

  • Transportation

  • Tram

  • Subway

  • Telework

  • Public transport

  • Covid-19

  • Coronavirus