[Explanation] Be still like a virgin, move like a rabbit.

In Chinese folk, the rabbit has always appeared as a clever and agile image.

Why are rabbits, which are not strong in nature, so popular with the Chinese?

During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit, the reporter visited folklore experts and told about Chinese rabbit culture.

  In Chinese myths and legends, the most famous story about rabbits is the jade rabbit that accompanied Chang'e in the Moon Palace.

Chang'e flew to the moon because she stole the elixir, and Yutu was originally a pharmacist in Tiangong.

  [Concurrent] Folklore painter Yang Xin

  The Chang'e Rabbit really began to be finalized in the Han Dynasty, and it began to spread widely. It is said that there is Chang'e on the moon, and there is a rabbit. Where did this rabbit come from?

The rabbit was originally the queen mother, and it was specially given to the queen mother and the gods in the sky. Its own occupation was a pharmacist, which is now called a pharmacist, and it uses a royal pestle to pound medicine.

Therefore, it is said that there is a great epidemic in the world, and rabbits are sent to the world to make medicine to save the people from fire and water.

In order to thank the rabbit, how do people say thank you?

The rabbit said no thanks, just give me a suit of clothes.

So the rabbit is constantly changing all kinds of clothes to help the common people, but the only thing that can't be hidden is the two ears.

  [Explanation] In addition to imagining the identity of the rabbit, people also give meaning to the color of the rabbit.

In ancient times, a pure white rabbit was regarded as an auspicious thing, with extremely beautiful meanings.

Moreover, the god rabbit on the moon is regarded as the only male, while all the rabbits in the world are female.

  [Concurrent] Folklore painter Yang Xin

  In the Sui Dynasty, the white rabbit was a sacred symbol. If a white rabbit was born, the whole country would celebrate it. Why?

It is considered that the white rabbit is the rabbit of Guanghan Palace, the gray rabbit and the brown rabbit are not counted, but the rabbit of Guanghan Palace is white.

As for the rabbits in the folklore, there are no male rabbits in our world, all rabbits are female rabbits. It is said that rabbits worship the moon, and it is male rabbits who worship the moon. Once they worship the moon, they start to conceive and give birth to baby rabbits.

  [Explanation] These wonderful legends come from the worship of the stars in the universe by the ancients on the one hand, and the love for rabbits on the other hand.

Therefore, every new year, there are quite a lot of folk customs and activities related to rabbits.

  [Concurrent] Folklore painter Yang Xin

  There is a folk practice of hanging rabbit heads on the first day of the first lunar month and hanging rabbit lanterns on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, which is a symbol of health and safety.

Some of the tributes placed around Master Rabbit are directly related to rabbits.

First, put grass knots, rabbits eat grass, second edamame, rabbits love to eat beans, and then start moon cakes, apples, pomegranates, lotus roots, watermelons, lotus root festival symbolizes people's health, so there are many folk Such good blessings are placed on the altar.

  [Explanation] Since ancient times, whether it is literary works or artistic creations, there have been countless rabbits as the protagonists.

Experts say that rabbits have long been associated with health in China.

The Year of the Rabbit is coming, and it will also be a year full of hope.

  [Concurrent] Folklore painter Yang Xin

  It just so happens that this rabbit is also very suitable for the characteristics of the Chinese people.

There is a saying in ancient times, the rabbit does not eat the grass beside the nest, it retains its own strength, if there is no grass, it can eat the grass beside the nest, and now I can eat the grass outside.

So very much like the character of the Chinese, China has never been aggressive.

The rabbit was originally a pharmacist according to the legend since ancient times, who wanted to protect the health and safety of the whole family.

I think people will have a kind of expectation for it (the Year of the Rabbit) in their hearts.

  Reporter Wang Shibo reports from Beijing

Responsible editor: [Wang Kai]