Today (21st) is Chinese New Year's Eve, and what everyone looks forward to most during the year is today's reunion dinner.

How to eat delicious and healthy food, and help the recovery of people in the recovery period?

Let's listen to the advice of experts.

  Experts suggest that special attention should be paid to these things during the Spring Festival diet:

  Avoid overeating.

Follow the principle of "not eating enough", it is best to be seven percent full for each meal.

Special attention should be paid to patients with chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the elderly and children.

  Keep regular meals.

Try to maintain the same eating rhythm and time as in daily life. It is not advisable to eat too casually. Try to follow the principle of three meals a day or small and frequent meals.

  Try to drink less or no alcohol.

In particular, highly spirited alcohol cannot be consumed.

If you drink alcohol, you can choose low-alcohol fruit wine.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that pregnant women and children should not drink alcohol.

Elderly people and patients with chronic diseases such as obesity, blood sugar, blood lipids, blood pressure, blood uric acid, etc. are not well controlled, try not to drink alcohol.

  Yu Kang, Director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital: During the Spring Festival, the food should be as mild and light as possible. Don't make food that is too greasy, too spicy, or too salty.

During the Spring Festival, some people eat too much salt or pepper, which can easily cause stomach discomfort, or fluctuations in blood sugar, blood lipids, and blood pressure. I think this is not worth the candle.

Expert: Supplement nutritional supplements according to oneself after recovering from the new crown infection

  After the Spring Festival, relatives and friends, especially the elders, may send some nutritional products.

Should I take some nutritional supplements after recovery from COVID-19 infection?

Hear what the experts have to say.

  Yu Kang, Director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital: I think there are a few points that everyone should comment on.

The first one is to evaluate whether the food you eat after "Yangkang" (recovery from the new coronavirus infection) is significantly reduced compared with before the new coronavirus infection, or whether there is a slower and more difficult recovery.

If you have returned to your previous normal diet, these nutrients are completely sufficient through a reasonable diet.

But if you have not returned to the previous diet during the transition period of recovery, you can choose some nutritional supplements, such as compound micronutrient preparations, which contain vitamins and minerals, which are much better than a single supplement.

For some special groups, or under special disease conditions, you should go to the hospital to consult a specialist or a nutrition clinic to provide a professional solution.