The Government of

Pedro Sánchez consented yesterday for the President of the Generalitat to use the bilateral summit on energy autonomy between Spain and France held in Barcelona in favor of the independence cause

, with the consequent damage to the foreign image of our country.

Pere Aragonès not only left the summit before the official Spanish and French anthems were played, but also warned Emmanuel Macron that Catalonia aspires to be a European partner as a member state m


For his part, President Sánchez, instead of making his mockery ugly, thanked him for his presence at the meeting.

The Executive chose the Catalan capital as the venue for the Franco-Spanish summit to demonstrate to Europe and in Spain that, thanks to its policy of yielding to nationalism, the


has come to an end.

The opportunity, undoubtedly important for Epsaña's foreign policy, was seized by Aragonès to practice a double game, halfway between the institutional framework, limiting himself to attending the protocol greetings, and the pro-independence protest in the street, where Oriol Junqueras was booed. and labeled a "traitor".

All this, in addition to damaging the image of Spain, portrays the cynicism of the independence movement and the easements of the Executive before ERC


That is why it is unacceptable that Sánchez equates the separatist demonstration with the one called this Saturday in Madrid.

It is not credible that the president who has pivoted his government action on a conglomerate of radical partners now intends to claim centrality and leave opposition formations outside of constitutional values.

The Government encourages the message of the end of the secessionist process not only due to electoral opportunism, but to try to cover up an express reform of the Penal Code tailored to the independence supporters.

Certainly, the 2017 insurrection was put down by the rule of law.

It was the action of Justice -and the imprisonment and judicial persecution of its leaders- that allowed it to be stopped.


the government withdrew after the constitutional consensus

: after legitimizing ERC as an ally, it has undertaken a penal reform so that the crimes committed by its leaders also disappear in the eyes of the EU, leaving the State unprotected against future attacks and even opening the door to a cascade of sentence reductions for others corrupted by cheapening embezzlement.

The appeasement policy practiced by the Government feeds the independence movement.

Just look at the threats of a new self-determination referendum.

Sánchez affirmed before the French president that the Constitution "is fulfilled in all territories, also in Catalonia."

The truth is that it is the Executive itself that allows the Generalitat to violate the legislation in core aspects such as language.

The most painful thing is not that the independence movement persists in its plans, but that the government of all insists on denying reality

and depend on the good health of these allies to stay in power.

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