Solène Delinger 2:38 p.m., January 19, 2023

Six days after the publication of Prince Harry's explosive memoir, "Newsweek" conducted a poll to find out the popularity rating of William's little brother and his wife Meghan Markle in the United States.

The Americans obviously did not appreciate the great unpacking of the Sussexes: the popularity of the couple is indeed in free fall, even across the Atlantic. 

A big setback for Meghan and Harry.

While the couple thought they would restore their image with their documentary series, available on Netflix since December, their popularity would in fact be in free fall, according to a recent survey carried out for


Prince Harry's revelations in his memoirs did him a disservice

The great unpacking of the Sussexes in the six episodes of

Harry & Meghan 

visibly did them a disservice, as did the sensational revelations of Prince Harry in

The Substitute,

his autobiography published on January 10.

The Duke of Sussex shook the British crown by directly attacking Camilla, the queen consort, but also Kate Middleton.

And, his secrets about his first time with an older woman, and his former addiction to cocaine, made the headlines of the tabloid press.


“When the second role does the job better than the one who was born to do it…”: Harry attacks his brother William violently

Prince Harry's popularity rating is -7

Result: Lady Di's son lost 45 popularity points in the United States.

Meghan Markle loses 36. Prince Harry is liked by 31% of the 2,000 people questioned, and is not liked by 38% of them.

His popularity rating is therefore -7.

On December 5, 2022, Prince Harry was at +38 popularity rating.

Meghan Markle is at -13 popularity, against +23 on December 5th. 

Also, nearly half of Americans, 44%, believe Prince Harry should not have included details of private family conversations in his book.

In the United Kingdom, the disenchantment with the terrible children of the crown of England also exists.

The vast majority of the British have very badly received the memoirs of William's little brother.

Harry and Meghan obviously have everything to gain by remaining silent...