The future of the Salto platform, launched in October 2020 by TF1, M6 and France Télévisions, is uncertain.

The dissolution and cessation of its activities are on the agenda of an extraordinary central social and economic committee (CSE) scheduled for Friday at France Télévisions, we learned on Monday from concordant sources, confirming information from the


site .

The tricolor competitor of Netflix and others must find a new shareholding to survive, announced in November the boss of the public group, Delphine Ernotte.

TF1 and M6 have already made it known that they wanted to leave the capital of Salto, held equally by the three audiovisual groups.

"If tomorrow he finds a buyer, I will have no problem leaving our content there," said Delphine Ernotte, without specifying whether France Télévisions also wanted to leave Salto's capital.

An upcoming disbandment?

But according to the investigation site


, only a Spanish company, Agile, is a candidate for a takeover of the platform as a whole.

If this option fails, a dissolution of Salto "with the sale of assets (customer portfolio, technical platform, etc.) one by one" could interest various players, believes



The platform, which planned to reach one million subscribers and employed 70 employees at the end of 2022, suffered from the cancellation of the marriage between TF1 and M6.

After the announcement in May 2021 of the project to bring the two channels together, France Télévisions had expressed its desire, in the event of the completion of the merger, to sell its stake in Salto.

In March 2022, TF1 and M6 had undertaken to buy, in the event of union, the participation of the public group in the offer of video on demand, for an amount of 45 million euros.

That is exactly the sum missing from France Télévisions to complete its 2023 budget and “totally absorb inflation”, according to Delphine Ernotte.

Contacted, Salto, France Télévisions, M6 and TF1 did not comment.

In addition to its 70 employees, Salto claimed at the end of 2022 around thirty internal service providers, involving 250 people in total.


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  • Media

  • France Televisions

  • TF1

  • M6

  • Television