If you dream of one day seeing Nicolas Cage incarnate a crazy space bandit in yet another

Star Wars

series , know that it is very unlikely that it will happen.

Indeed, if the star of

Sailor and Lula


The Rock

or even

Benjamin Gates

has nothing against intergalactic adventures, his heart beats rather for the

Star Trek

franchise .

"I'm not in the

Star Wars

family .

I'm in the

Star Trek

family  ,” he said in an interview with Yahoo!

Entertainment for the promotion of

The Old Way

, his new Western.

No thanks

"I grew up watching William Shatner and thought Chris Pine was awesome in the movies," Nicolas Cage continued of the various incarnations of Captain Kirk.

“I think the films are exceptional.

I like their political and sociological message.

For me, what defines science fiction and what makes it an important genre is that you can tell what you want, however you want.

Whether you set the action on a different planet or a different time (…) you can really express your ideas like Orwell or someone else in the register of science fiction.

And Star Trek really embraces that.


Finally, know that Nicolas Cage really had the possibility of integrating the

Star Wars

franchise since Pedro Pascal, who starred with him in

Un Talent en Or Massif

, hoped to offer him a role in

The Mandalorian


But now that Nicolas Cage has cried out his love for

Star Trek

, maybe Paramount will hear his plea and offer him a deal to star in the fourth movie that's currently in the works.


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