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Jordi Wild

(Manresa, 1984).

After studying psychology, he became famous on YouTube back in 2013. First with

El rincón de Giorgio

and in recent years with

The Wild Project

, a talk show that accumulates millions of views on the platform and that on Spotify took over the title of The most listened to podcast in Spain this 2022. The Catalan has just published

Así es la puta vida The Wild Project

(Plan B), a book that he defines as 'anti-self-help', but in which he gives his keys to survive in what called "real life".

Whenever they have told me about your interviews they have always been friends of late twenties or thirties.

Is it your audience or just what I perceive? Yes, it is.

There are also younger people because it is impossible to be a streamer or youtuber and not have children.

But it is true that I am one of those with a larger audience than all of us with the largest numbers.

And are they also mostly men? If I remember correctly the statistics, which you have to take with a grain of salt, they are 80% guys and 20% aunts.


Giorgio's Corner

, my other channel, yes they are like 65% or 70% boys.

I have a huge female audience for a male streamer.

For beauty influencers it will be the other way around, I guess.

It's all very polarized.

What does a guest have to have to go to your show?

Can you bring someone you don't like just because they are interesting? They have to be people who interest me in their story and what they can tell.

But if I don't like someone or I don't have a feeling, they won't come because what for?

If I cook it and ride it I'm not going to have a bad time.

Nobody forces me to do it.

Do you ever choose the person looking for the interview to have many views? No, no, no.

If I'm not interested, I'm not going to do it.

It would be very easy for me to catch famous youtubers or streamers and have them pass by.

But I never do podcasts thinking this one is going to blow up or this one isn't.

You will know that many times you are criticized for the fact that there are practically no women among your guests. Why is that? It's because I don't meet quotas.

I go to the person, I don't care if he is a man or a woman.

Do I want to talk about history?

Well I look.

It is surely true that even today there are more fat profiles of these subjects that are men.

But if it happens that I have to bring 12 women in a row, I would do it.

In the gatherings, another format that I have, my collaborator is Leo Margets, who is a woman.

But not for being.

There is feeling, it is a crack and I love having it.

Let's talk about the book, how did the idea of ​​writing it come about? I was bitten by the writing bug and I told an editor about it because I've always been a great reader.

It is true that now I have lost it, unfortunately,

but I really like the format of the paper.

On the cover of the book it says 'the anti-self-help book', but reading it does seem like a self-help book.

In the end it is you giving clues about life.

It's not self-help because I don't want it to be in that business because I don't believe in it and there's a lot of pseudoscience out there.

But I do believe in the concept of self-help.

In fact, I think the only real way to get over something is to be the first to want to do it.

The screwed up is that I'm going against business but maybe one person can read the book and say 'look, it helped me'.

Although that is not the goal.

In the book I reflect on how I see life today, that we are so bombarded with stimuli from the moment we get up until we go to sleep.

This had never happened.

We feel lonelier than ever but, at the same time,

We do not stop being aware of what others do and say about us. I have missed more of your examples.

The 'look, I'm telling you this and I think it's like that because that other thing happened to me'.

There is a chapter with all my experience. Yes, but at the end of everything and it is very short.

I say this in the sense of giving examples with each topic you deal with.

For example, with likes on social networks and their influence on mood.

I can't talk about everything in the first person because this book is not an autobiography.

That was very clear to me.

It has to be a book for people who know me and for those who don't.

That it is not Jordi Wild's book but the book of a writer or someone who has reflected his thoughts.

There are things that I have not experienced.

For example, the issue of likes has never affected me,

but I know a lot of people who do and I am capable of, even if it doesn't happen to me, being able to analyze it.

I have never had a mental health problem either, but I have had people very close to me who have gone through very difficult mental health situations.

Does having studied psychology give you confidence when publishing a book like this or does it add pressure? I have always said it, I studied psychology many years ago, I graduated, but I have never practiced.

You can help me?

A bit yes, but in the book I never say 'the psychologist who is going to help you'.

I do not sell myself as such.

In any case, from here I claim that people should not be ashamed and go to the psychologist. Do you think there is still stigma? I think so, that everything is very polarized.

I think there are people now who go overboard with mental health and go 'oh, I have depression'.

But depression is a very severe and very limiting thing.

It happens as with social networks, that there is a lot of standard bearer of everything.

But although luckily there is more and more talk about it, there are still many older people with that stigma.

Sometimes we focus too much on issues from the perspective of youth. What are you looking for with the book?

What is your goal? First, entertain.

I want it to be an entertaining read.

And, later, if with this I can make someone reflect, I am satisfied.

If someone thinks twice about a subject or if they are screwed by social pressure and can reconsider that it is not so serious and free themselves, then I would be very happy.

How do you deal with social pressure? It's the worst part of my profession, I think all of us who do this will agree.

And with the networks it has also been magnified.

Everything you say is analyzed 20 times and taken out of context.

But at the same time I relativize it a lot.

I peel it

I am aware that I matter too little to real people for me to care.

Sometimes it surprises how in a few minutes fires are set up in networks.

Yes, especially on Twitter, which is like the public square.

But it is all very fleeting, both for better and for worse.

I am very afraid of those who are moralists because then they are the ones who have the most corpses in the closet. You can also see the fan phenomenon a lot on YouTube: either with everything you say or against you.

It is that the middle ground is being lost.

And things like Twitter, which is very slogan-heavy, is helping that polarization.

With the issue of fans is like everything.

I don't like that even mine defend by attacking.

Speaking of times,

What do you think about the eternal debate of whether we now live better or worse than our parents? It's complicated.

There are things we have won and others we have lost.

I have the feeling that people are quite unhappy in general.

I can smell it because of how frustrated a lot of people are.

The world has become very complicated and the networks have not helped anything.

In the time of our parents, of course, there were a thousand problems.

And today with the internet you have access to many more things.

But I also think there is more anxiety than ever.

I have a feeling that we are not in a great time for mental well-being.

It's a screwed up time and I get the feeling that a dark time is coming.

There is a lot of damage at the mental level of toxicity, fanaticism, zero debate... It doesn't have much of a solution, but it's not something I like.

And as a public person, do you feel a responsibility to publicize the problems that you believe exist? No responsibility.

I dedicate myself to entertain.

I don't think that the people we dedicate ourselves to entertaining have a social responsibility.

Then it goes to the part of each one who wants to open up more or less with her opinions.

Likewise, no matter how much I say the same thing in a Wild Project, then I go home and don't even think about it.

It's like with climate change.

We all know that we do things that affect and then nobody does anything real.

I do not do anything.

I am the first to take the car or flight.

Humans are a bit like that.

A year ago, you did an interview with EL MUNDO and later you criticized it and showed your anger with the newspaper.

Why repeat? I'm doing the interviews by the book.

I think the press has a problem,

which is the need for subscriptions and advertisers and the dictatorship of the click.

The key phrase is searched.

I didn't like the headline 'I am the God of YouTube'.

It was taken out of context.

But in the video where you criticized him, you pointed out that the headline of the print edition bothered you, not the one on the web, which was something like 'Jordi Wild, the 'God' of YouTube: "If I had succeeded at 20 it would have been more douchebag",.

The paper does not click.

Worse still because then it was out of pure malice because it's not what I was explaining.

I understand that there are sensitivities, but I did not see the evil in it and I think that a headline is always taken out of context because they have no context.

It's just that I think it takes something striking when it was just a phrase and I'm left as arrogant.

It's as if Messi comes and, being a fucking star, he says '

I am the God of soccer'.

I, who like Messi, would say 'calm down, kid'.

I'm not a modest fake either, but it makes me angry because I didn't mean it in that sense.

So, if it's not for the book, do you no longer do interviews with the media? It depends.

I believe that in all the great media there are wonderful journalists and I am not against them.

In fact, I think that there should be a rapprochement between that world and ours.

I think it is necessary, good and beautiful.

I understand that a singer has to hold press conferences because he needs it.

We are lucky that we don't need to do interviews in the press, we do it because we want to.

It is totally by illusion.

I do it, first, because the publisher has asked me to, to be honest.

And, later, because I like to give opportunities.

Let's see if I regret it.

Maybe yes and it's the last one I do.

Even if I publish another novel, I self-publish it and goodbye.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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