• The main measures of the pension reform of the government of Elisabeth Borne were unveiled on Tuesday.

  • The Prime Minister addressed in particular the legal age of departure, special regimes, long careers.

  • 20 Minutes

    summarizes the main government announcements on this flagship reform of Emmanuel Macron's five-year term.

This is one of the emblematic reforms of Emmanuel Macron's second five-year term.

Elisabeth Borne presents this Tuesday the main measures of the pension reform with in particular a departure at the legal age of 64 years in 2030 or a device "adapted" for long careers.

According to the executive, there is "urgency" to redress a regime which could post a deficit of around twenty billion euros in 2030. He intends to "integrate the reform into the bill presented to the Prime Minister on January 23", according to the head of government.

Elisabeth Borne thus defended a “universal” and “balanced” bill.

But these announcements will probably trigger the ire of the unions and the opposition, with the exception of the right-wing Republicans, who are conciliatory on the reform.

20 Minutes

takes stock of government announcements.

Legal retirement age at 64

This is the most awaited point of the reform.

The legal retirement age will reach 64 in 2030, compared to 62 today, according to the government press kit presenting the reform, confirmed by Elisabeth Borne.

The legal age will be gradually raised at the rate of three months per year from September 1st.

It will therefore be set at 63 years and 3 months in 2027 at the end of the five-year term, then will reach the target of 64 years in 2030. “The retirement age will be raised from September 1 by three additional months per year of birth. “, developed the Prime Minister.

Contribution at age 43 from 2027

The pension reform also plans to accelerate the extension of the contribution period, advancing to 2027 the requirement of 43 years of contributions for a full-rate pension instead of 2035. “To benefit from a full-rate pension, it will be necessary, from 2027, to have worked 43 years, duration of contribution voted within the framework of the Touraine law of 2014 ”, which had fixed the deadline at 2035, according to the device of the government.

End of special diets

This bill "will act the extinction of the main special regimes", indicated the government in a press kit released a few minutes before the Prime Minister's announcements.

“New recruits at the RATP, in the electrical and gas industries branch and at the Banque de France” will in particular be affiliated to the general pension scheme, said the executive.

A device suitable for long careers

The pension reform will also put in place an “adapted” system in order to “protect people who have a long career”, the government further indicates.

“The long career system will be adapted so that no one who started working early is forced to work over 44 years old”, specifies the executive.

“For those who started at 18, it will be possible to leave at 60”, illustrates Elisabeth Borne.

The revalued minimum pension for all retirees

The minimum pension will finally be set at 85% of the net minimum wage, “i.e. nearly 1,200 euros per month from this year”, for future retirees with a full career.

The Prime Minister indicated that she had "decided to integrate" into the project also "the revaluation of the pensions of current retirees who have had a full career at the level of the Smic", or "nearly two million small pensions".

Stating that this measure would be discussed with parliamentarians, “in particular” the LR group, Elisabeth Borne said that her “objective” was to see it appear in the bill which will be presented to the Council of Ministers on January 23.

Balance of the system by 2030

The bill presented aims to guarantee “the balance of our system in 2030”, declared the head of government.

"Letting accumulate" the "deficits would be irresponsible", she estimated, assuring to propose a "project of justice and a project of social progress".

She also affirmed that this project was in her eyes "better than it was six months ago" before the consultation with the social partners and the political forces.

However, she says she is open to “further developing” the project in Parliament.


Pension reform: What is the retirement age in our European neighbours?


Pension reform: Will the current system be in deficit in only one out of four scenarios?

  • Company

  • Pension reform

  • Retreat

  • Elisabeth Borne

  • Government