A dream of a different reality and nostalgia has been something that characterized the fashion world during the past year.

It has mainly been seen in so-called microtrends on social media such as Tiktok.  

Among other things, the "Y2K style", which is inspired by the early 2000s when low-cut jeans and velor suits were seen on fashion icons of the time such as Paris Hilton.

A style that has also returned is "indie sleaze", which emerged as early as 2008 as an optimistic response to the recession of that time.

- It was then very much about club culture and going to concerts.

It was a spirit, I think, to have fun and live in the moment, says Lisa Ehlin, fashion writer and doctor of digital art.  

The longing for security 

In China, the so-called bureaucrat style, also called "civil servant chic", has become increasingly common among young people on social media, even among those who are not bureaucrats.

It's about dressing like a traditional official.  

- It is perhaps not a career that anyone longs for.

But in today's uncertain times, especially in China where class divisions are more violent, that kind of ideal suddenly becomes status, to have a safe nine to five job, says Lisa Ehlin.  

Dystopian collections 

Uncertain future prospects have also left an impression in the fashion world, as dystopian themes have been seen in the collections of the major fashion houses.  

- We turn and twist very basic values ​​and norms, in everything from democracy to belonging and democracy.

And of course it is visible in the fashion industry and in the fashion system as well.