Demonstrate rural culture and help rural revitalization

The live broadcast room in the village is worth watching (Online China)

  Reporter Zheng Haiou Dou Hao Wang Yunna Fan Haotian

  On the short video platform, rural-themed short video content is popular.

At the same time, villagers stationed in the live broadcast room also urgently need support and guidance in content creation and technical training.

Relying on more than 3,000 cultural centers, the National Public Cultural Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has launched the "Rural Internet Celebrity" cultivation plan, encouraging villagers to introduce their hometowns through online platforms, which has enhanced the popularity and reputation of the village.

  In the live broadcast room, show the rural scenery, show talents, and sell farm specialties-now, on the short video platform, a group of rural cultural talents are active. They use the Internet platform to promote their hometowns and become an important force for rural revitalization in the new era. .

  Starting from February 2021, the National Public Cultural Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will launch and implement the national "Rural Internet Celebrity" cultivation plan with the theme of "cultivating rural Internet celebrities and boosting rural revitalization", coordinating the resources of more than 3,000 cultural centers across the country, discovering, Cultivate and recommend outstanding "village internet celebrities".

Bai Xuehua, director of the Public Culture Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and chairman of the China Cultural Center Association, said, "Let 'village internet celebrities' become cultural volunteers in the new era, bring a food, a scenic spot, a street, and a city to the grassroots level. The masses get benefits. After continuous excavation and cultivation, we will strive to drive each county to have its own 'village internet celebrity'."

Xiaoying and his wife from Xia'ao Village, Ruian, Zhejiang

After the dance became popular, the live broadcast brought goods

  A stand, a mobile phone, and a speaker. In Xia’ao Village, Mayu Town, Ruian, Zhejiang, 46-year-old Peng Xiaoying and her husband Fan Duo danced a self-made shuffling dance beside their vegetable field.

For more than two years, Xiaoying and his wife have gained tens of millions of fans by virtue of their dancing videos on the short video platform.

  In front of the screen, Fan Duoduo will also recommend the Wenzhou specialty nine-layer cake.

"In the past, people were always worried that they would not be able to sell, but now they can sell more than 3,000 catties of brown sugar and more than 8,000 catties of corn a day at most. Last year, the income for the village was increased by more than 1.7 million yuan!" Fan Duo said happily.

  Five years ago, Fan Duoduo suffered from depression. Peng Xiaoying saw someone dancing the Shuffle by chance, and started to learn it. Later, Fan Duoduo also joined in.

After dancing, Fan Duoduo was in a better mood and basically recovered from his illness.

The couple made up a set of shuffling dances, and the daughter uploaded the video to the short video platform, but unexpectedly it became popular.

  Today, Peng Xiaoying has not only been selected as a provincial-level cultural demonstration household, but also actively participates in various public welfare activities to help farmers, and has also joined the rural art troupe.

According to Chen Pingping, curator of Ruian City Cultural Center, at present, there are more than 500 rural art troupes in Ruian City, which carry out more than 1,500 art troupes and more than 600 training lectures every year.

  Carry out skills training, do a good job in resource docking, and launch the "Village Broadcasting Plan"... In recent years, Zhejiang has introduced a series of measures around the creation of "Rural Internet Celebrities".

Mayu Town, where Xiaoying and his wife live, has also set up a "Xiaoying and his wife studio" in the agricultural product e-commerce live broadcast center.

In the brand-new environment, computers, desks, lighting equipment, etc. are all available.

The town also assisted in the registration of the "Xiaoying Husband and wife" trademark for it, helping to live broadcast and bring goods.

  Peng Xiaoying said that she was very satisfied to help everyone live a good life together.

Chen Yuqing, an actor of Huagu Opera in Changsha, Hunan

Shoot a video to promote hometown cultural tourism

  "Let's go, let's go, let's go, come to Changsha Fire Palace. On the left, there is a sip of sugar oil cake, which is golden in color and sweet. On the right, there is a stinky tofu, which is juicy and delicious..."

  During the National Day holiday this year, Chen Yuqing, a post-95 Huagu Opera performer at the Huagu Opera Protection and Inheritance Center in Changsha City, Hunan Province, uploaded a Huagu ditty "Fire Palace" on the short video platform to promote Changsha's popular "check-in place" Fire Palace and authentic gourmet snacks.

The short video of less than 3 minutes has received more than 200 comments from netizens and more than 2,500 likes.

  In August 2020, the Hunan Provincial Cultural Center launched the first "Cultural Tourism and Rural Charm · Internet Celebrities Take You to Xiaoxiang" competition relying on the short video platform. More than 100 short video enthusiasts shot and uploaded more than 1,100 video creative works, and the final selection Published "Top Ten Internet Celebrities in Hunan Cultural Tourism".

Zhou Gujian, deputy curator of the Hunan Provincial Cultural Center, introduced that the competition video for the "Cultural Tourism and Countryside: Internet Celebrity Takes You to Xiaoxiang" competition should highlight the regional customs and cultural background of the beautiful countryside, and will have interesting life styles and strong applicability. The local characteristic strategy is recommended to the public.

  Last year, the second competition was officially launched, and Chen Yuqing was invited to participate.

Chen Yuqing has been uploading works on the short video platform since 2019, and is committed to the inheritance and promotion of Huagu Opera.

Sending operas to the village, spring outings during holidays, and visiting relatives in the hometown have all become her creative themes.

In the fields and mountains, beside small bridges and flowing water, or in the corner of the street, they all become her video recording venues.

  "We hope to excavate and cultivate a group of new talents who love their hometown and have traditional cultural skills, and guide them to become "recommendation officers" in their hometown as "Internet celebrity" volunteers. Chen Yuqing just meets this standard." Zhou Gujian said .

  Last year, Chen Yuqing signed up for the competition with her own short opera video "Booming Song", which received 93,000 likes.

This made her very excited. "In the past, I created short videos just to let more people feel the charm of Huagu Opera. This competition let me know that Huagu Opera can also help the revitalization of the countryside and promote cultural tourism in my hometown."

  Chen Yuqing's hometown is in the countryside of Youxian County, Zhuzhou City. Inspired by the competition, she returned to her hometown last summer to shoot and record a short video of Huagu Opera "My Home is in Youxian County", showing the humanities, geography and food culture of Youxian County. Many good reviews.

Hubei Enshi Cultural Center

Provide live training on demand

  Not long ago, at the first Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture "Cool Festival" held in Wuhan, Hubei, Qin Dengjun from Erguanzhai Village, Shengjiaba Town, Enshi City sang folk songs in front of the live broadcast camera, introducing the folk customs of Tujia and Miao people, attracting visitors Thousands of people watched online.

  "In the past, live broadcasts were not very professional, the theme was not prominent, and the form was relatively simple. The content, tunes, libretto, etc. were relatively traditional, which could not attract the attention of netizens." Qin Dengjun said that since 2020, the Enshi City Cultural Center has sent professional teachers many times. Go to Erguanzhai Village to teach the villagers experience, performance skills and live broadcast skills.

  "Many local farmers are engaged in webcasting, promoting cultural tourism and local customs in their hometown, and promoting special agricultural products." Wu Dan, director of the Enshi Cultural Center, said that in recent years, the Enshi Cultural Center has combined the needs of farmers and cultivated different types of agricultural products in a targeted manner. category of "Rural Internet Celebrities".

  In April this year, relying on the professional teachers in the museum, the Enshi City Cultural Center recruited volunteers from the society, formed 26 support groups, and went deep into the communities, village groups, enterprises and institutions in various towns and towns in the city to carry out voluntary support and training in literature and art .

In the past 4 months, the volunteers went to the countryside for 101 days of training, and a total of more than 33,000 people were trained.

  "We teach the 'three elements' of webcasting, video shooting, editing, promotion and other professional knowledge, and encourage farmers to use the online platform to introduce their hometown and local culture, build a personal brand, and improve the efficiency of delivering goods." Wu Dan said.

  "In recent years, Hubei has taken multiple measures to promote the revitalization of rural culture, focusing on incubating and cultivating 'rural Internet celebrities', so that they can become an important force for the development of rural industries, cultural construction and high-quality development of cultural tourism." Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism Tao Hongjia, deputy director of the department, introduced that in September last year, the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism held a province-wide rural cultural and tourism public service training class, and nearly 300 "rural Internet celebrities" participated.

  Since the beginning of this year, Hubei has launched the "Literary and Art Lights up the Countryside - Cultural and Tourism Volunteer Assistance Activities in the Province". The voluntary support training for literature and art has cultivated a large number of rural literature and art talents and rural literature and art lovers, and promoted "rural Internet celebrities" to use the Internet to display local culture, good people in their hometown, beautiful scenery and beautiful things, promote hometown specialties, and lead villagers to become rich together.

(People's Daily Overseas Edition reporter: Zheng Haiou, Dou Hao, Wang Yunna, and Fan Haotian)