The low temperature is coming, how to survive the winter healthily?

(Health Express (Stop 107))

  "If you don't shoot in 1929, walk on the ice in 3949." After the winter solstice, "counting to nine" begins, which also means that the coldest season of the year has arrived.

What are the health hazards of cold weather?

Which groups of people need more attention and protection?

How to survive the cold winter healthily?

Recently, relevant experts have answered these questions in detail.

  The four types of diseases are careless

  "A sudden drop in temperature or low temperature weather can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular-related diseases, respiratory system-related diseases, digestive system diseases, bone and joint-related diseases, etc." Han Qingli, chief physician of the Department of General Medicine, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical College, Henan Province, introduced, Low temperature can lead to exacerbation of patients with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, etc., which needs special attention.

  "Under low temperature stimulation, the human body is prone to vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, and increased heart rate. In severe cases, it may lead to myocardial ischemia, increased blood viscosity, induce thrombosis, aggravate the condition of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even cause stroke, myocardial infarction, etc. Infarction and other serious consequences." Han Qingli reminded that in winter, patients with chronic diseases need to take medicine regularly and avoid stopping medicine at will.

If you have chest tightness, dull pain or palpitation, even if the attack time is short, you should pay special attention to it, and seek medical treatment immediately if necessary.

In case of sudden numbness or weakness of one side of the body, crooked corner of the mouth or slurred speech, you need to be highly vigilant for stroke, and you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment immediately to avoid delay in treatment; when symptoms of myocardial infarction such as precordial pain occur If you have an oxygen bag at home, you should inhale oxygen immediately, and patients should not drive or ride bicycles to the hospital by themselves.

  The respiratory system is one of the systems that the human body is in most frequent contact with the external environment, and is easily affected by the external environment.

According to Liu Xingxia, deputy chief physician of the Department of General Medicine, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical College, cold air can dry out the local mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, resulting in small ruptures. Viruses and bacteria are easy to enter, leading to respiratory diseases. High incidence.

  "If you have cough, cold and other symptoms, try not to go to work with illness. Rest more and drink plenty of water to help your body recover quickly. Wear a mask when going out to avoid spreading germs to others." Liu Xingxia suggested that special attention should be paid at this time To keep the head, back and feet warm, the indoor air humidity can be appropriately increased. The room temperature should be kept at about 20 degrees Celsius, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not be too large.

  Winter is also a period of high incidence of gastrointestinal related diseases.

"Low temperature stimulation will cause capillary constriction, affect gastric acid secretion and gastric blood circulation, thus causing acute gastric ulcer, gastroenteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases." Han Qingli said that many people like to eat spicy food in winter, and patients with chronic stomach diseases are prone to If the old disease recurs, it is recommended that people with stomach problems should choose light and easy-to-digest foods in winter diet, avoid raw, cold, spicy, fragrant, and fried foods, eat small and frequent meals, quit smoking and alcohol, and take part in physical exercise appropriately. Increase or decrease clothes to prevent the abdomen from getting cold and reduce the chance of stomach problems.

  "In addition, when the temperature drops in winter, the blood vessels of the human body constrict, the muscles and ligaments are less flexible, and the protection of the joints is weakened, which can easily cause joint damage and fractures." Han Qingli said that cold stimulation can also easily induce lumbago and muscle spasms. Studies have shown that the risk of radial fractures in winter is 2.5 times higher than in other seasons. It is recommended to minimize travel in cold weather, especially for the elderly. It is best to be accompanied or have assistive devices when traveling, and try to avoid icy roads outdoors .

  Be wary of the danger of hypothermia

  When the cold wave or low temperature weather strikes, which groups should be focused on and protected?

  According to experts, the elderly, pregnant women, infants, patients with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and people who work or do activities outdoors for a long time are vulnerable to cold weather and need special attention.

  "The elderly are often accompanied by underlying diseases, and the body's resistance is weak. When low temperature or cold wave comes, it is easy to aggravate the original disease or induce new diseases." Han Qingli introduced that due to the gradual decline of physical strength and activity ability of the elderly, the metabolic function Reduced heat production is relatively reduced, and the body temperature regulation function is poor. As a result, chills are prone to occur in a low-temperature environment or after exposure to cold, and body hypothermia occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to be particularly alert to body hypothermia in the elderly in cold winter.

  What is hypothermia?

Han Qingli introduced that hypothermia, also known as hypothermia or hypothermia, means that the body’s heat loss is greater than the heat supply, resulting in a decrease in the temperature of the core area of ​​the human body (mainly referring to the brain, heart, lungs and other major life-sustaining organs) (lower than 35 degrees Celsius), and produce a series of chills, cardiopulmonary failure and other symptoms.

If relevant measures to keep warm are not taken in time, hypothermia may eventually cause death.

Hypothermia is more common in the elderly, pregnant women, infants, and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, etc.), respiratory diseases and other chronic diseases, as well as people who drink alcohol and work outdoors for a long time or active crowds, etc.

  "Whether the temperature is lost or not depends on two factors: the body's ability to generate heat and keep warm and the speed of heat dissipation." Liu Xingxia said that the key to keeping warm depends on whether the clothes people wear, especially the underwear next to them, are damp.

Hypothermia usually occurs in extremely cold weather, but it can also occur in weather conditions of 4-5 degrees Celsius if it rains or clothes are soaked in cold water in a humid environment.

Prevention of hypothermia mainly starts from the three aspects of wetness, coldness and wind. Pay attention to keeping warm, take corresponding windproof protection measures, pay attention to rest, replenish heat in time, change wet clothes, and avoid prolonged exposure to low temperature environments.

  Liu Xingxia introduced that when hypothermia occurs, adults may experience chills, collapse, memory loss, slurred speech, and drowsiness, while infants and young children may experience bright red skin and chills.

If any of these signs are found, the body temperature should be taken in time, and if the body temperature is lower than 35 degrees Celsius, seek medical attention immediately.

When medical attention cannot be obtained immediately, the following methods can be used to raise body temperature: enter a warm room or residence, remove wet clothes in time, take corresponding measures to warm the core areas of the body (chest, neck, head and groin), take heat Beverages (do not give to an unconscious person, nor alcoholic beverages), to help raise body temperature.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible after the condition subsides.

  Don't underestimate low temperature burns

  In the cold winter season, many people suffer from low-temperature burns when they use warm babies, hot water bottles, etc. to keep warm.

Why does low temperature cause burns?

  "The burns that everyone understands in daily life are mostly caused by high-temperature injuries such as high-temperature liquids, steam, and open flames. They are high-temperature burns. With the improvement of living conditions, seemingly mild low-temperature burns are becoming more and more common." Han Qingli introduced , When the skin is exposed to a heat source of 44 degrees Celsius for 6 hours, it will cause burns. This kind of burns is called "low temperature burns", that is, chronic burns caused by long-term contact with low-heat objects.

The temperature that can cause low-temperature burns is generally 44-51 degrees Celsius, and it is mostly caused by improper use, such as prolonged contact with the same part or using two or more heating equipment at the same time.

If the low-temperature heat source continues to act, the body tissue will be baked by the heat source for a long time, which will cause scalds in the deep layer of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues, and even cause deep tissue necrosis in severe cases.

  "Generally speaking, low-temperature burns may look small on the surface, but the wounds are often relatively deep, and severe cases may even cause deep tissue necrosis, and some may reach deep into the bone. If not handled properly, severe cases will fester and last for a long time. None of them can heal. This kind of injury is far more serious than pouring a cup of boiling water directly on the skin epidermis." Liu Xingxia reminded that in case of low-temperature burns, you can first use a cold towel to cool the burn or rinse the burn with cold water to cool down. Seek medical attention in time, and never smear the burn with soy sauce or toothpaste, so as not to cause infection of the burn.

  According to experts, low-temperature burns are more common in infants and the elderly, especially those with diabetes, stroke sequelae, and those who have been bedridden for a long time.

When using heating equipment, you must strictly follow the instructions. For example, when using a hot water bottle, do not directly touch the skin. You can wrap a layer of towels on the outside; if you use an electric warmer to warm the bed, it is best to take it out before going to sleep. Water flows into the power socket to prevent short circuits, and do not heat while charging to prevent electric shock; when using electric blankets, turn on the electric blanket one or two hours before going to bed, turn off the power when sleeping, and do not sleep with the electric blanket on all night. At the same time, avoid setting the temperature too high. Pay attention to the service life of the electric blanket. It is recommended to replace it every 5 years. Discontinue use immediately.

  It's time to keep healthy in winter

  "Traditional medicine believes that nature has the laws of 'spring growth, summer growth, autumn harvest, and winter storage', and people should also follow the laws and characteristics of the changes in temperature and temperature in the four seasons to maintain health." Han Qingli suggested that, combined with her own actual situation, you can start from the following aspects Carry out health care——

  Appropriate ambient temperature: In addition to heating, you can use air conditioners, electric heaters and other equipment at home to keep the room temperature at about 18-25 degrees Celsius.

It is recommended to open the windows for ventilation 3 times a day, each time not less than 15 minutes, to maintain the freshness of the indoor air.

  Keep warm in key parts: In winter, you should appropriately increase clothing according to the situation. Dressing should not be too tight or too much, so as to avoid poor breathing and inconvenient movement, just loose and warm.

It should be noted that the head, hands, and feet are the parts that need to be kept warm. Wear hats, scarves, gloves, masks, etc. when going out.

The cold starts from the feet. To keep warm, warm the feet first. When you go home, you can soak your feet more. Walk for more than half an hour every day.

  Scientific and reasonable diet: the overall diet is nutritionally balanced, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Appropriately eat some high-calorie and nutrient-rich foods, such as lean meat, chicken, fish, dairy and soy products, eat less greasy food, quit smoking and limit alcohol.

  Adhere to proper exercise: In winter, you can do some simple exercise indoors, such as walking, jogging, Baduanjin, etc.

Morning exercise is not recommended, try to choose exercise time after sunset, when the temperature is suitable for exercise.

People with basic diseases such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease should pay attention to exercise time. For example, the dangerous time of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients is mostly between 6 and 10 in the morning, and morning dizziness in hypertensive patients also appears around 6 in the morning. Exercise in the evening.

  Stable and happy mood: Life is full of joys, sorrows and joys, but extreme anger or tension may induce myocardial infarction and stroke. Try to maintain an optimistic and happy mood, and avoid depression, sadness, fear and fright.

(People's Daily Overseas Edition reporter: Wang Meihua)