Due to the particularly mild temperatures at the start of winter, the processionary caterpillars have already made their return to the pines of the Tarn, reports France 3 Occitanie.

Usually, these insects appear at the end of February throughout Occitania.

As a result, pest control professionals had to get back to full speed sooner.

This species of Lepidoptera has been considered harmful to human health since a decree of April 27, 2022. The hairs of these caterpillars are indeed stinging and can cause severe itching, even irritation of the respiratory tract.

They can also cause fatal tongue necrosis in dogs and cats.

If their presence is detected, it is then necessary to quickly contact a professional who will take care of burning the cocoons.

In the meantime, do not touch the caterpillars or stand near a nest.

It is also important to keep your animals under supervision.

In addition to processionary caterpillars, mosquitoes have also made their return to the region.


Ardennes: Stinging oak caterpillars reappear


Why Processionary Caterpillars Have Been Declared “Harmful to Human Health”

  • Albi

  • Occitania

  • Bug

  • Animals

  • Environment