From the moment the forces of the DPR, LPR, the National Guard and the 20th Army were forced to quickly and not quite gloriously retreat 33 km from Krasny Liman to the rear - in just a few hours, a lot of water has flowed.

Military engineering equipment appeared around the new positions where the allied forces had stopped, and we simply began to dig trenches.

Dig a lot and throughout science, not hoping for a chance.

A long line of field fortifications grew up: tens of kilometers of trenches sheathed with boards.

Dry and neat dugouts sheltered soldiers, command posts were built from residential trailers dug deep into the ground.

The commanders of the combat units exchanged phones and began to interact.

The main secret associated with the enemy was also revealed: the scouts discovered that we were attacked by separate flying detachments of Ukrainian infantry in jeeps and Western armored cars without heavy equipment.

With the beginning of mobilization, a second line of our defense was formed.

And on one of its sites, a regiment of mobilized from Moscow and the Moscow region dug into the ground.

The commander of the regiment with the call sign Uzbek, in the past the combat commander of the Russian infantry, like his soldiers, ended up in the NVO zone for mobilization, took a few brawlers and drunkards by the Adam's apple and brought iron discipline to the regiment.

Uzbek established regimental mail.

All letters and parcels from relatives and friends are brought to Moscow, to an impromptu warehouse, and once a week are delivered centrally to the regiment.

All information about the life of the Moscow regiment is posted in a specially created Telegram channel.

At the forefront there are kitchens, mobile and stationary baths.

People receive food and gifts from home.

And the regiment lives and lives right in the field, in uncomfortable mud.

Without normal roads and communications, without shops and cafes.

It would seem that all efforts to strengthen the defense should take all the forces of mobilized officers and soldiers.


In parallel, Uzbek built six training grounds where combat training is underway.

And this despite the fact that the regiment is also on combat duty, conducts anti-sabotage activities - by the way, effective.

Small example.

Inconspicuous alcoholic regulars appeared in the neighboring village.

The regiment's scouts sent their "drunks-loafers" there to probe the unexpected guests.

The strangers turned out to be difficult, they were actively interested in the Russian troops.

The guests were captured and handed over to specialists.

Conclusion: military classics, front-line discipline and acceptable improvisation with decent supplies make our defense lines indestructible.

Let's add ammunition and new equipment - and let's move forward.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.