The Consumer Affairs Agency's panel of experts, which has studied regulations on so-called ``stealth marketing,'' which advertisers advertise on the Internet while hiding the fact that they are advertisements, has compiled a report that ``regulations are necessary.'' rice field.

In the future, the Consumer Affairs Agency plans to proceed with the design of systems and the formulation of operating standards in preparation for legal regulations.

Stealth marketing advertises products and services under the guise of individual users' impressions, even though advertisers such as companies and stores have actually requested it. Case after case.

Regarding such acts, the Consumer Affairs Agency said, ``There is a risk that consumers will be hindered from making rational choices.'' I've been thinking about gender and how to be.

The report compiled by the study group on the 27th concluded that "regulation is necessary" for stealth marketing, and that "consumers, businesses = advertisers, are subject to misrepresentation under the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations." We have added a new clause, "Things that are difficult to identify as a display," and said, "It is appropriate to designate it as a prohibited act."

All media such as the internet, television, and newspapers are subject to regulation, and in order to clearly indicate to consumers whether or not it is an advertisement, for example, we require indications such as "advertisement", "advertisement", "PR", etc. , If it is unclear, such as being written smaller than the surrounding characters, it indicates that it corresponds to a prohibited act.

The Consumer Affairs Agency plans to proceed with the design of the system and the formulation of operational standards in preparation for legal regulation, and will implement it from the next fiscal year onwards.